deleting a custom charecter?




how do you get rid of a custome made mish arc charecter? i made all mine form scratch and i dont wont some of them to show up for any reason in any arc i wil make. checking "dont auto spawn" wont work at all,and ad/remove dont seem to do anything.




I'm not entirely sure I understand here, but setting a mob to 'not auto spawn' should keep it from showing up in the random spawns in your arc, which will effectively keep it from showing up in an arc if you don't want it to. If it's not doing that, that's a bug I wasn't aware of (so far that feature has worked just fine for me).

Add and Remove adds and removes mobs from whatever custom faction you are working on. But every custom mob has a 'home' faction - you can't remove a mob from its home faction. Here's a trick, though, that you can use to 'save the mob for later' but remove it from your existing 'in-use' factions.

Create a new faction, something like 'Garbage Dump' (the name's not really important). Whatever mob you want to remove, go into the *mobs* custom profile (i.e. that series of screens where you select powers, design their costume, etc.), and go to the description. Set the mob's faction *there* to whatever your 'Garbage Dump' is, and that'll make 'Garbage Dump' the mob's home faction. Which will let you remove the mob from the faction you're actually using in the arc, while still keeping it around in case you ever do decide you want to use it.

I actually have no idea how to permanently delete a mob (without actually going outside of City Of, delving into the folder that has custom arc information and deleting text file corresponding to the mob); I'm too much of a 'store it away just in case I ever decide I want it back' sort of person, so it's never come up.

M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice! )
Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)



I've had this problem and ended up recreating the entire custom group with a name change, which was, yes, a pain. Talestar's method sounds better, but still points out the failure of the interface we have.



thanks ill try the dump