



once i publish my arc i guess its open for everyone to play, so my question is
1) can i make changes to it if it is to hard?
2) how do i set ticket rewards for the arc in the first place, or is it done by random for the lv of toons in it?
3) Do i have to publish all 3 mish to make an arc all at once or can i add the later mish to the arc once i see how the first mish turns out?
4) and if i want to delete my arc after its been published can i ?

thanks for anwering in advance



Originally Posted by talestar View Post
once i publish my arc i guess its open for everyone to play, so my question is
1) can i make changes to it if it is to hard?
2) how do i set ticket rewards for the arc in the first place, or is it done by random for the lv of toons in it?
3) Do i have to publish all 3 mish to make an arc all at once or can i add the later mish to the arc once i see how the first mish turns out?
4) and if i want to delete my arc after its been published can i ?

thanks for anwering in advance
1. Yes you can. All you have to do is hit the 'Edit' button on the *published* version of your arc. When you are done making changes, you can click on 'Republish' (it takes the place of the 'Save' checkmark in the interface) and your changes will take effect after a short delay. Note that if you are currently running the arc, the version that you're running *won't* show any of the changes (you'll have to quit out and restart it). And, last I checked, once you've hit republish, close down the whole AE interface completely before you try to go back into the editor again. For some reason, if you start the editor a second time on a published arc without shutting down the interface, none of your edits for that second session will be saved.

2. You can't set the ticket rewards. They are automatically determined by mob rank (and scale to its XP value; so a minion that gives only half the normal minion XP will also only award - on average - half the normal number of tickets a minion would). A ticket drop is not guaranteed on each defeat either. Each rank has only a chance of dropping tickets if defeated, and actually have a 'low', 'medium', and 'high' reward (low is given more often than medium, and medium more often than high). The ticket reward when you complete a mission is simply equal to the total number of tickets you got in that mission, plus a small bonus that gets bigger for missions later in the arc.

3. You can add additional missions to an arc that's already been published. But a fair warning: some players will give poor ratings if a published arc looks like it is incomplete. These days its unlikely your arc will get a random play, but it could happen.

4. Yes. Click on Unpublish. That'll remove your arc from the published list (and clear out any ratings it had). If you ever republish the arc, it'll once again have no plays or rates, and will have a different ID number.

M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice! )
Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)



thanks bigg time bud



Originally Posted by Coulomb2 View Post
Note that if you are currently running the arc, the version that you're running *won't* show any of the changes (you'll have to quit out and restart it). And, last I checked, once you've hit republish, close down the whole AE interface completely before you try to go back into the editor again. For some reason, if you start the editor a second time on a published arc without shutting down the interface, none of your edits for that second session will be saved.
Very important point there. I've also found that it's a good idea to close it, then reopen it and check to be sure the changes 'took'. If they haven't yet, close it again, run around the room and try once more. I don't know why, but sometimes it takes a minute or so so update to the newest version.