Issue 1 vet returning, need some help.




Alright. So I confess, I've never reached 50 on ANY of my toons, but I'm working on bringing my VERY FIRST toon, Electron Beam up from 43 to 50.

There are some things I need some help understanding, like:

Set Bonuses
How to use IO's in general
Incarnate Slots
PvP power choices and IO's

Basically, the game has managed to cripple me and make me feel like a newb, considering I left for ~1.5 years to take care of some much needed real life business. Now I'm back, no longer the coolest guy ever, and I need some help getting back to that status.




Your friend Has all the information you need

Originally Posted by Electron_Beam View Post
Alright. So I confess, I've never reached 50 on ANY of my toons, but I'm working on bringing my VERY FIRST toon, Electron Beam up from 43 to 50.

There are some things I need some help understanding, like:

Set Bonuses
How to use IO's in general
Incarnate Slots
PvP power choices and IO's

Basically, the game has managed to cripple me and make me feel like a newb, considering I left for ~1.5 years to take care of some much needed real life business. Now I'm back, no longer the coolest guy ever, and I need some help getting back to that status.




I concur (I use the link, but it's the same site AFAIK). It's a good start, most of the information is current and will help you get an understanding of things that have changed.

You might also want to search "Issues" and read over some of the changes listed there.

After you've read up some, you'll still have more specific questions. Those will also probably be answered with a link to that site and maybe some more elaboration.

Good luck and welcome back!



There are also a number of user-written guides that would be of use to you. Zombie_Man wrote up an Issue 19 breakdown that covers most of the beginner to middling questions you'd have for Incarnate work, for instance.

I don't see how the game would have "crippled" you since you left, unless you left in summer of 2005 just before Enhancement Diversification. The original powersets work more or less exactly how you left it (don't know your build, so don't know if a particular powerset might not work quite the way you remember it). What the game DOES allow you to do, however, is "fill in the gaps" for your build with set bonuses and, now, Incarnate slots. The Incarnate path is quite enjoyable for me, to be honest: It encourages teaming, lets you push the envelope slowly with level shifts and significant enhancement bonuses to your build, and it's not something you can really "buy your way to the top" like you can with Inventions.

I've given the "this is how Incarnate stuff works" speech in-game quite a few times over the last month or two. If the Wiki doesn't answer your immediate questions, look me up, we'll catch a drink at Pocket D, and we'll go over how the Incarnate system works, and how to make it work in your gaming workflow.