RP concept idea...want thoughts! :)




Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
That's how I've RPed every character I've made up to this point.

Like I said in previous posts, the idea is that's it's basically flavor text...part of the concept.

It wouldn't effect anyone, as how many people can control every part of their dream? Not many. It would be no different for Suzy. Unless you're saying the actions you take are really her subconscience, but even then, it's still outside of her control, and thusly the player characters are still in control of their players.

I don't see why the character would dismiss anyone's actions as a product of her imagination, as she basically living in a dream and doesn't know it.
You can't control everything in a dream, that's true. But you saying "All of paragon city is her dream" can basically be summed up to as, "If she wakes up everything disappears. Period." meaning absolute power over everything and everyone in the game, even if you say they aren't aware of it or can't control everything about it.

You can try and downplay it and make it sound like it's not important, but it's still true.

Nobody is stopping you from making a concept like that. We're just saying that if we saw that character we'd ignore the bio because it's just completely nonsensical in the CoH universe.

And you did want our thoughts on the matter. I wasn't aware that this thread was an attempt to try and persuade us that somehow your character concept should be okay in the minds of everyone?

Like I said, nobody is stopping you. If we got into an RP situation I'd probably RP with you, I'd just ignore the whole "Paragon City and every single person in it is her dream" aspect of the bio, and treat you as a normal person. I also probably wouldn't play along should your character suddenly become aware of her dream and start trying to control things, or force herself to wake up, thereby destroying everything.

Pinny - Scrapper
Shadewing - Defender



I'm kind of getting a little chuckle out of this thread, everybody's so sensitive. As if BrandX coming along with something in her bio magically "invalidates" all our RP and character development, whatever "invalidate" even means in this context. I mean yeah, if she actually tried to godmode people via this concept that'd be lame, but she's outright said that she isn't going to do that.



I think it has the potential to be interesting, though I think it'd be very silly to say that Paragon City or any existence (though IMHO her own created world or alternate Earth is plausible, though I am worried that's not what you're going for anyway) period, is her dream -- whether or not it is godmoded upon others. It's up to you, and you don't need anyone's approval, but I just don't think it's going to make for good interactions. D:

As the others have suggested, maybe it'd be better to inverse this idea -- she thinks it's all a dream when it really isn't, and maybe this somehow gives her an elevated level of power over others (maybe as minimal as a sense of suggestion reaching through to psychic powers?)... I think that'd be pretty awesome.

<[V]>IRTUE Player
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Originally Posted by Warp_Factor View Post
I'm kind of getting a little chuckle out of this thread, everybody's so sensitive. As if BrandX coming along with something in her bio magically "invalidates" all our RP and character development, whatever "invalidate" even means in this context. I mean yeah, if she actually tried to godmode people via this concept that'd be lame, but she's outright said that she isn't going to do that.
The problem is: If the character will never become aware of it, and it doesn't matter in the slightest, why even have it?

I could put in my bio that Pinny and Shadewing were magical void beasts that could eat the very fabric of reality, but oh they don't know that and never will, so you have nothing to worry about. It would be completely useless.

Pinny - Scrapper
Shadewing - Defender



If I saw that bio "in the wild," I'd probably interpret it as a fairly shallow metacommentary on the MMO genre.

I like it when people riff on the game universe in their bios; the ones that make me think about some aspect of the IP that I'd never thought about before are usually the most interesting ones, even if they aren't quite 'canon' or whatever. It's not as though something is somehow taken away from your story just because someone else wrote a contradictory one. Comic book continuity, QED.

My biggest issue with it is that it's an easy, played-out concept. The existential dilemma is territory well covered and there's not much you can do with it in 1024 characters. The autism thing feels like it's being done for shock value.

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Originally Posted by Silencer7 View Post
If I saw that bio "in the wild," I'd probably interpret it as a fairly shallow metacommentary on the MMO genre.

I like it when people riff on the game universe in their bios; the ones that make me think about some aspect of the IP that I'd never thought about before are usually the most interesting ones, even if they aren't quite 'canon' or whatever. It's not as though something is somehow taken away from your story just because someone else wrote a contradictory one. Comic book continuity, QED.

My biggest issue with it is that it's an easy, played-out concept. The existential dilemma is territory well covered and there's not much you can do with it in 1024 characters. The autism thing feels like it's being done for shock value.
Well, my economics teacher did say that shock value sells.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection