Architect Entertainment RP Superteam!
I just realized that I would like it to be open to all ATs, so is there an AE building in Nova Praetoria? We could do it there, possibly.
There is not but both red and blue side can run AE arcs in the Rikti War Zone. I realize this might not be keeping with your theme to have to dodge Rikti invaders on the way to the AE but that's the best you can do if you want all AT's.
I think this is a really cool idea. Id love to be a part of it,but my work schedule and and family time makes it hard to get online before 11:00 PM CST. If you think that scheduled events could happen later in the evening then shoot me a message. I already have an idea for my character.
*Posted on the Atlas Park community message board, amid countless posts about missing persons, stolen purses and missed connections, sits a lonely message that reads:*
Are you an avid gamer? Do you love slaying dragons and stopping futurist assassination plots? Do you not go to the park anymore because of it being cloudy with a chance of Rikti? Then come down to Architect Entertainment and experience the virtual joy of being whomever you want!
My name is Ellen Clement and I am a former stay-at-home mother looking to fill in some time since my son left for College and I've always been into playing video games. I'm hoping there are a few like-minded individuals that are also looking to start a gaming group with me. We'll fight Demons, pretend to be heroes or wizards and see what horizons are out there in this great gaming venue.
((I am looking at starting a little superteam that I've had the idea for since AE came out but that I had never really got around to doing.
The whole premise that I'm going for is that these are normal people outside of the Architect missions that enter into the AE missions to have some fun. As such, all their leveling and progress would take place inside AE missions. I'd be willing to buy all the Halloween Salvage so we can all have two costumes right from the start, one that we change into inside of the missions and the other that is mundane.
I'm looking for two types of people:
1) People who would be interested in participating in the Superteam itself, and;
2) People who like creating arcs, who wouldn't mind creating "video game" style arcs for the purpose of this Superteam.
I was wondering, to those who would be interested in being part of the Superteam, should we create characters with the mundane names of the toon or should we give them a fictional character name? I assume, once we become level 50, there's a chance we'd want to create a plot-line to have our toons actually inherit their characters' powers.
I'm also guessing we'll end up having to run our costume missions so our characters can have different costumes for different settings (IE, future, fantasy and hero style costumes), so is it permissible to arrange to do these OOC?
As far as time goes, I'd like to run it once a week for a few hours, maybe twice a week. HOWEVER; I can't set up a specific time because I, unfortunately, work on call.
But I wanted to see who was interested.
Should I cross-post this to other forums? If so, which ones? Roleplaying, AE and Player Events?
Thanks in advance!)