Making my PB fun again




So I've had my PB for a long time. In fact, she's probably my 3rd oldest character on my roster. I remember looking forward to playing one since I hit 43 and slogged through the early days of CoH back in issue 5... (I started just after i1's release).
Anyway, she's a legacy character and I'm not going to abandon/delete her but I want to look forward to playing her again.

So I need some help with her. I prefer to solo stuff most the time so she needs to be survivable. I've been getting a lot of use out of tri-forms and keybinding transformations.
She's currently lvl 27 and I'd like see her reach 50 like her uncle (my first, and so far only heroic, 50).



I assume you want to continue playing as a triform?

Have you done anything with her yet as far as inventions?

What do you like/dislike about her currently?

(Also, not sure if it'll help or not, but see "raising a peacebringer" in the signature.)



Well, I think it was mainly that I get overwhelmed with the ammount of powers and stuff to slot and set.

I like tri-forming when I do team because I can fill in a role or assist in something.
However I mostly solo. But I'm thumbing through Bill's guide and it looks like what I need.



I have found that Frankenslotting IOs is a HUGE help. In short, look for Acc/Dam and End/Dam IOs. (Or just Acc/End) That will help get a reasonable amount of accuracy and endurance discount without having to spend two slots. Then you can slot Damages to either three or four slots.

Just be careful you don't go overboard. I got so caught up in Frankenslotting I started slotting triple aspect IOs, and started wondering why I wasn't doing as well. Then I realized, "duh, I'm losing Damage slotting". Basically, resist the temptation to get Set Bonuses, you're just trying to squeeze efficiency out of slots.

Some Recharge can be good too, especially in Dwarf attacks, but if you are a Tri-Form and have Hasten that is less of a problem. And slot up Stamina now that it works in all forms.

Also, I have found that a good strategy for Tri-Forming is to specialize with a subset of attacks. For instance, in the early levels I only slot two of the four attacks for each form. That way if I'm stuck in a form I've got some "filler" attacks, but as I shift forms I can concentrate on the main ones. Likewise, I stick with a theme for my Human form so I'm not overwhelmed with attacks. For my PB, the theme is melee, so all of my Human form attacks are melee except for Glinting Eye, and I leave the ranged attacks to Nova. And I've left Glinting Eye unslotted so it's just filler, or to pull. My main attacks are the Nova Blasts and Detonation, the Dwarf Smite and Flare, and Incandescent Strike.

The main thing to remember is that attacks take slotting to be useful, but there are lots of powers you can choose instead that don't take any slots. Quantum Flight may seem useless, but it doesn't need any slots. Glowing Touch shouldn't be needed, you aren't a healer, but it doesn't need any slots. Rather than try to be an all purpose damage dealer in Human Form, specialize, and use the extra choices for situational powers.



Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
Basically, resist the temptation to get Set Bonuses, you're just trying to squeeze efficiency out of slots.
I'll dispute this notion out of personal preference. Then again, I like to make sure that I can get all my set bonuses at levels 24+ and 28+ so that I'm just about as powerful when I exemplar as when I'm at 50+1.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
I'll dispute this notion out of personal preference. Then again, I like to make sure that I can get all my set bonuses at levels 24+ and 28+ so that I'm just about as powerful when I exemplar as when I'm at 50+1.
Yeah...set bonus' allows you to do some great things with your PB as well as any other toons. +hps, +dmg, +etc etc...cant really go wrong if you focus on specific aspects.

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