Alpha Slot and Stone
Recharge is subject to diminishing returns thanks to where it is in the formula (denominator). If you're expecting it to counter the -recharge of granite, it doesn't work like that. It's like putting an extra SO in each of your attacks. Granted, a tiny bit isn't affected by ED, but if you're already at the ED cap, it's mostly a waste.
The alpha slot is most beneficial when you pick an attribute that you don't have slotted to the ED cap already. When you get to the very rare, most of the slot does ignore ED, but again with recharge, that's getting put in the denominator of a formula.
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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
I was leaning aware from recharge--just needed someone to give me a reason. Thanks.
Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers
The damage Alpha is the one I think you will see the least benefit from, aside from the accuracy Alpha. I posted my logic for that statement in this thread.
The recharge alpha is worth 3.5 purple sets.
On a Stone Tanker, you can potentially cap all resistances except Psi easier with the Cardiac Alpha.
Sorry, I tried to find this on the forums. I can't figure out how to search well.
Anyway, on my Stone/Stone, do I slot for the obvious (recharge) or the more helpful (in some ways) Damage? |
1) Cardiac, for soloing. When you're spending five minutes pounding an EB into a pulp, endurance is something of an issue.
2) Spiritual, for general teaming. The faster I can fire off Taunt and my AoEs, the better things go.
3) Nerve, for high-level TFs. All the damage in the world won't help you if you can't hit.
My stone tank's got three alpha enhancements:
1) Cardiac, for soloing. When you're spending five minutes pounding an EB into a pulp, endurance is something of an issue. 2) Spiritual, for general teaming. The faster I can fire off Taunt and my AoEs, the better things go. 3) Nerve, for high-level TFs. All the damage in the world won't help you if you can't hit. |
I love Nerve on tankers. Those gauntlet/taunt durations are seriously shortened vs. +level enemies and having the taunt slotting will be a good help. Nerve also grants hold and defense enhancing, both useful to a stone/stone.
Spritual's slow and healing could both be useful to stone armor, besides the obvious advantages +recharge brings.
Musculature's damage is always nice and extra run speed in swift could come in handy. Will the immob help in Mud Pots?
I was eyeing up the Cardiac for my Stone/Stone, since I run graniteless and all the toggle + attacking was making me have end issues in the late 30s and early 40s, but Physical Perfection + Conserve Power solved that, so I will likely go Nerve for the taunt and hold.
Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.
I love Nerve on tankers. Those gauntlet/taunt durations are seriously shortened vs. +level enemies and having the taunt slotting will be a good help. Nerve also grants hold and defense enhancing, both useful to a stone/stone.
Spritual's slow and healing could both be useful to stone armor, besides the obvious advantages +recharge brings. Musculature's damage is always nice and extra run speed in swift could come in handy. Will the immob help in Mud Pots? I was eyeing up the Cardiac for my Stone/Stone, since I run graniteless and all the toggle + attacking was making me have end issues in the late 30s and early 40s, but Physical Perfection + Conserve Power solved that, so I will likely go Nerve for the taunt and hold. |

There's very few characters I think would greatly benefit from Musculature since if not all at least most damage powers will likely already be hitting the ED cap for damage. Since Mud Pots is a slow instead of an immob it won't do anything there... and if you're like me you've probably already 3 slotted Swift for runspeed so the run won't help much either.
I haven't really done a lot of thinking about Nerve; my characters are already to the point of being at 95% chance to hit up to +3 and most are at 90% or above against +4... while there's room for more accuracy below the ED cap I haven't thought it all that worthwhile. Admittedly I hadn't considered it since we opened the (currently badly bugged) upper tier levels so maybe I need to look more closely.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.
Sorry, I tried to find this on the forums. I can't figure out how to search well.
Anyway, on my Stone/Stone, do I slot for the obvious (recharge) or the more helpful (in some ways) Damage?
Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers