Gun Theme Static Team
Most of us got to level 11 in about 1hour of gameplay.
Cut it short due to 1team logging for the night. So we can stay near the same levels.

Don't cut it short there Matty McTwinkletoes. People will catch up easily enough and people will join late and people will miss certain days, so on and so forth. You'll never be able to keep all of those people near the same level so it's not even worth trying. Just let the teams run and everything else will fall into place.
I'm really suprised a certain group hasn't chimed in here yet. They must be pre-occupied with all that PL-ing they've been doing. Those darn PL-ers! They're runing the game! THEY'RE RUINING THE GAME!!!
Anyway, enjoy the Gun superteam.
Had a great time running with the All Gun Team(s)...
We had 3 full teams and I believe a few ppl formed a fourth team as well... Loads of fun just running around shooting things...
Therapy is great!... lol
Looking forward to the upcoming Saturday's as well... hope to make it every week... but we'll see how that goes with RL schedules!

I really enjoy the way Fitz repeats himself; it really cracks me up. IT REALLY CRACKS ME UP!!
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
Sat 5th
Got to level 12 last week, 1full team.
Not sure, had a death in the family that I had to tend to. See you guys next Saturday.

Well, I'll be out this saturday, and next saturday. Real life calls, family member down south isn't doing too good either. 2011sucks for me.
So I'll be out of town for the next week or so.
You guys can continue without me, I'm sorry about not making it even though I did plan it. However, I plan to continue it when I'm back.

What?: A all Gun Static Team every Saturday at 9pm EST. A SG will be provided, but you don't need to be in one of the SGs to tag along to have fun!
When?: Every Saturday at 9pm EST on the Liberty Server.What ATs?: