So...what is so bad about Peacebringers?




Originally Posted by Moonlit_Whisper View Post
I didn't really pay attention before but I am noticing a small pattern here.

More often than not I am seeing that the people who are complaining about their PB's mention theirs as being a Human Only form PB.

Maybe it's significant, maybe it's not. But there seem to be far fewer people who play a Triform build speaking up about the downsides of the PB.

I've already made my opinion on the subject known so I wont repeat that here but I thought it was an interesting enough observation to mention.
Yeah, my only experience on PB is human form because PB has a variety of powers. I've tried Nova and Dwarf form before but I hate how the human powers are locked out and when you switch from dwarf/nova to human, you have to re-cast the shields again.

I understand you can switch between forms can cast powers like Hasten but it just seems like a lot of work and if you are tri-form, there are just too many powers on power trays. I am lazy when it comes to setting binds. I just like to click. lol

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



So I finally level my Human PB to 32 last night. I just have to get Photon Seekers to see if human form is worth it. Somebody mention that the dev can reduce recharge on Seekers to bring more balance between PB and WS, which I totally agree.

Well, it only has one slot (damage) in it and looks like the damage from all 3 seekers is pretty good. The problem, however, is that in order to get the most aoe damage out of them, I have to use them while I am in the center of a mob. Much like Solar Flare, Photon Seekers also deal knockback so basically I have two "good damage" aoe powers that knock violently away from you which many teammates don't like.

I didn't even take Detonation. The amount of knockback from PB attacks is just too much IMO. At some point, knockback just hurts your performance more than it adds.

I now believe human PB is the king of Knockbacks. My pb may get stuck at 32 for a long long time.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Fuzun View Post
You may have quibble with what I said, but it doesn make what I said false. Peacebringer do have very strong defenses.

And I never said the PB's defenses were stronger or weaker a Warshade's. There are each strong in their own different ways.

And I do agree about Lightform (and all of the Tier 9 defenses). I'd like to seem them revamped, or a new Tier 9 power added to the those defense sets. I doubt the first one every be done. But I'm hopeful the second could be done.
Anything can be pulled out of context and called "strong." I might propose the addition of power X that does 300 points of damage and you would call that strong damage until I told you it was a nuke.

My quibble with your post was not that you said Peacebringers have "strong" shields insomuch as it was that you said they had strong shields and stopped there. There is a difference between "strong" and "strong enough."

My /axe tanker had strong damage, but tankers still got a buff in the form of "bruising" added to their first tier attack to bring that damage up. My DM/ scrapper was a strong damage dealer, but Midnight Grasp and Siphon Life still saw improvements.

The statement that Peacebringers have very strong defenses - when left without qualifiers or support - puts a band-aid over a numerical performance that pales in comparison to its nearest cousin. Don't tell me the defenses are strong. Tell me why they are strong.

I'm not interested in stating the obvious when stating that warshades are demonstrably stronger than peacebringers. I'm interested in why they are stronger. If the lesser performance can be justified, then fine; but please don't generalize an archetype's performance just for the sake of promoting good will about the archetype. If it needs changed, let's ask them to change it. But let's at least talk about it in specific terms beforehand.

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Well to state the obvious, warshades are better because they have higher numbers. In specific, they have very important higher numbers: +damage and +damage resistance. Yes, warshades need to drain enemies to get those numbers, and PBs don't. However there's a funny thing about damage and damage resistance: you don't need either in the absence of enemies. Warshades get their performance buffed by mire and eclipse when it matters, and while PBs may be stronger in the absence of targets for warshades to buff off - that doesn't matter. In fact, PBs themselves still need targets to perform on (as indeed do all characters). You don't do DPS to thin air.

In fact, I'd say that point 'eclipses' other issues between the two ATs, especially on the survivability front. At least on the offense front, there's a reasonable case to be made for the efficiency of Extracted Essence and Black Dwarf Mire as opposed to Photon Seekers and White Dwarf Flare, instead of getting 'mired' in the human form buff. On the defensive front? Eclipse has been like this for years. It shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that a character who has 2.5 times the damres of another (5-target eclipse compared to PB shields) is way more survivable.

"Experience is the mother of good judgement. Bad judgement is the father of experience."