Any human form only post I19 PB build please?




Just that.
I hate my PB when solo.



Solo, you ARE going to have to think extra strategically and not just charge the enemy screaming and tearing your shirt off, like a Scrapper. You'll also want to pick your enemy and watch your difficulty slider and be prepared to run-away, or die-in-place, or run-away-and-die. Or shoot one, run away, wait until they give up, then run back and Ninja-Sniper the last one in the line.

And then you can 'zing-voorp-zing-Freem! Hup-Hangtime-Ka-BLAM! and otherwise show the villains the light of your pure reason as you send them to the Zig, or wherever they go when they de-rez. One of the challenges and pleasures of playing a PB, is applying the lessons you learned as another AT - pulling, strategy and tactics, handling KB, choosing your targets and managing Aggro.

The early run can be rough, especially without a team, but get to 30 and you'll have all of the key powers, so the rest of them become shiny new toys to discover.

Be Well!



She is 42 :P
I think im just used to scrappers, brutes and blasters, so it seems like lacking damage or something...
Will check the build.
Thank you!



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
Just that.
I hate my PB when solo.
An older build I found on my laptop while I'm on the road. Its made to play similiar to a Scrapper on TF runs, but I tried to work on some of the weaknesses for solo content too (+hps, Status Resistances etc). It's not perfect I'm sure, but it works for me so far. Let me know if anyone sees anything to improve on.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA9593594F535110C7E7B6B72DA5C596964229B46CC5969 6B6344AE2961095C48|
|DA502E149C50217698285B4607CF403F8A4896BDC5F7C778B F1C90F60E2176153E3|
|128375965340AF2FDEB4FFDFB973CFCC999973CEF0D54137C 0B501D07CC717F2E5F|
|254CEC8CF18D3A542F19251728CE497574AF905700040F7EE 2F53A3737346B15CB8|
|62A487562E178A8B2BE5A963E8BF1CFD63D6A0619A751403D 69F2ACE1B25A3B89CA|
|E0E6A738B8B0BE9F125C39875F370C8C82F610C4FF565D628 95E70B4B7FBF431033|
|EBC7FF0F1BA8A762832308DD0A1645EF7B0B801F1A3F20B21 0C932F63E07C22AF96|
|9EC6785661C84A126C4708719A97E440C7EDAD4348CAFDD06 32E97718DEBB8CC67B|
|8CC87D868ABE8E5E56896EB39EE040F69382B38CDA31C1382 332C158432F9B78E9B|
|6049BDC49467B9A11CD3052926127EE8E43A66B8E24AFEB13 6C6120A74ADA799113|
|DB9317CC301A66255B8391A106612518CF25F1C015E0959AD 0542781A02ECEB1B1C|
|DE051B13D0FD9D1F788D1F098D1F584D1FB949179C6D844AF 7AD5EE7A29AD3DC5E8|
|909ABAA4A6202EE85739F83B78C12FE81A500B06A85F59089 E619FD0B0441861C44|
|6193D3986660768525E4DF31C28282D084D3362D2891EE944 423AF10BD76A565ECD|
|1FF9BCB4BEE02F1D2F19D1578CD46B46F60D6303BD5AD4BEB 54871ADA97FEC5BAFD|
|4E8C31AC3AAC6B0D4E847539B3A2F6DD2D4983435214D4D48 5333D2D4AC34D58E35|
|764AB67AE70067DBB5CE5F7A36650F3EC9F4CF8CEF9866B7D ACC6E3928568C1057A|
|678944D5F715652999292DD3734A595292D8E0D98709F32F5 C95969D5B76F22FEF0|
|81219325A76FDF26D0D812E13976B254E2BBE76F71D0717DF B248353D6A9FCF7F3D|
|65DBDEBCEB15AD409921C8A3649A37324E7E9F5028DF2349A 2699A1D7CA3B77352B|
|CF014AF020C92192C324012FCA759AE970A1B848DC2475247 B483C245E123F4988E|
|40149C589CE5629AFB24A4BAA63A1A5B8CB6BBB4D72FDD677 4C9A769A1B5233C9D8|
|D8F962D16EF08E5B6E32F45B8C3ED376244C96ACC9B2DF64D 967B2ECB4FA37AB112|

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



In comparison to a blaster, a scrapper, or a brute, yes, Peacebringers are lacking damage. They pay for their team-based inherent by lower base damage levels all the time.

If you were coming to them from the perspective of a Defender, maybe, it would feel like a mild improvement, particularily in the survivability. If you were coming at them from a Tanker's perspective, you'd feel fragile.