An "Ebil" One Looking for Help

Chaos Creator



Recently I reached the 1B mark with some change (see below). But the tears are too delicious, so I am now searching for niches to get into marketeering more deeply and wonder what sort of thing falls into this category (examples of past niches would be of great help). Thanks in advance.

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Saxum Ardens- Stone/Fire Tank
Animus Raptus- Necro/Traps MM
Umbrifer- Dark/Elec Brute
Ussiomnia- Fire/Dark Corruptor
Legatus Lanius- Crab Spider



Think of what sets you use most often. Now go check their margin.



At some point in the past, Impervium Armor: Resistance (recipe) was selling for about 20 million, and Impervium Armor: Resistance was selling for about 50 million. Slowly the supply of the crafteds grew and one day it started selling for 30 million.

Usually what seems to happen these days is it would start selling for 45 or 40 million, and the price would go up to 25 million for the recipe [note you lose 4-5 million in wentfees and pay around 2.5 million for salvage and crafting. ] Also, these days, if I ignore something for a week it goes back to the previous numbers.

I work max level, either the most desireable of the uncommons [e.g. if you're going for Doctored Wounds, there's much more market for Heal/Rech and Heal than the others in the set] or the high-but-not-highest end of rares. People put work into getting the best price for a Numina's Regen/Recovery, and are likely to buy it with AMerits, but put much less into getting the best price for a Numina's Heal or Heal/Rech .

Also, sets that cap at 30, 35 or 40 often give very good return compared to sets that cap at 50.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Any desirable IO can be worked as long as supply of recipes doesn't greatly exceed demand for the finished IO. Just check the margins and see how things work, then risk a couple 100 mil and plunge in. Most likely you'll make a lot of inf.