hot-key problem help...




Yestrday I bought a Dynex DX-WKBD Multimdia Keyboard... It's a nice keyboard with tons of hotkeys, the problem is that well... they are on the edges and I tend to grab the edges of the keyboard causing various problems... like accidentally pressing the sleep button and my PC going completely down before I can get it back up...

So... anyone know or have any clue how I can change these hot-keys? or turn them off? I'd like to do only that one in particular, but if all have to go I'd prefer all the hotkeys off than that one on...



If you are only concerned about Sleep, you can disable this functionality in Windows itself.

go to Control Panel -> Power Options and mess with the settings there and you should be able to disable sleep. In WinXP I *think* you need to go to the Advanced tab, and change the option of what to do when the power button is pushed.