Reviving weekly tf event...




Boo fight the power Fifty, run non WTF ones! =P

Either way i'll be there, got a toon at 44 that could use some serious love on that push to 50.

I loves me some Kay Parfait! <3



So we pushed 2 itf's through, back to back. Many shards and much xp were obtained by all, and I think we generally had a good time. We even got 1 person to 50 (go Kay Parfait!).

So, I think for the time being at least, we'll continue to bow to the pressure and do the WTF. So, next Wednesday, 1930 CST-meet up for the WTF (which is, I believe, Tin Mage?)!

Basically too many 50's to count, but I'm generally a brute/scrapper/tank kind of guy.