In local game store . . . . . .




Me and the misses are thinking about moving in together in the summer and we are both slowly getting rid of any unwanted junk or basically stuff that is using up space that we never use.
Now i started out the other day getting rid of my xbox/ds and games for the both, went to my local cex store in town since according to the site it was the best prices available [277 aint to be sniffed at!]. Anyway i was talking to the guy who was dealing with me and ended up talking about what games both played, i mentioned city of heroes and what do you know, he used to play it too!
I was really rather shocked since i've never met somebody in person who plays this game too and just had to ask what he thought about the game [he was a WoW player btw]. He stated that he was only part of the beta for the game and not since, his reason for not staying was

There is no clear class in the game. There is no tank or healer, a player can basically make a tank mage and just go in and smash and grab. No real strategy and everybody was picking the same power sets
Im not sure what the game was like back in beta [seen a few vids of it on youtube but thats it] since i joined only in '05, but was the game THAT different back then in the beta? I actually went on to describe to him the game now, saying that there are MANY different classes, powersets has almost doubled since launch [not sure actual figure, but must be close] and the challenge has increased greatly but in a good way. I did agree though that a player after a while can still just go into their own world doing other stuff while still being good in a team.
Just really did shock me that a person who was clearly really into their games had such a wrong view of this game [might have been right at the time but not now!], but he said he'ld give the game another go [hadnt even heard of GR] and get a trial account

Anyway thats my random post of the day, thank you

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



way back, at some point during the alpha / beta testing, CoH was indeed archtypeless, and you could indeed take powers out of order.

However, that was changed well before the game hit retail launch in the US, and well before it hit retail launch in the EU markets.


The free-for-all power concept was determined to be bad gameplay.

This was one of the sticky points with Cryptic Studio's second super-hero themed MMO that made it to the retail market. The Cryptic Studio developers were again trying a free-for-all power approach again was of serious concern to veterans of their first super-hero themed MMO. It was a bad idea back in 2002 and 2003, and it was still a bad idea in 2009 / 2010.