The Return of the Son of Punday Night...




...Strikes Back!!

What: Punday Night, a pun competition
When: The last Monday of the month,31 Jan at 10pmEST/ 9pm CST/8pm MT/7pm PST
Where: In Pocket D,on the main floor, near the window closest to the floating truck
Why: Because I finally have time to do this right (again)

Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page




There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



*gives it the old hip-bump*

Don't forget!

Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page



Forget what?

I haz 87 Clouded Points



Oh, I am so in. Let the terribleness begin.



*ties Becky to a dictionary and tosses her to the Great Thesaurus*

Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page



As opposed to that dinosaur stew also known as a-pot-a-saurus.

I'll be there Moggie

\o/ YAY!

Join the ranks of The Dawn Patrol!



*clears throat*



Only in the POCKET D!

With MOGGIE judging the puns, and attempting to keep things SANE!



Not Alliterations, not Onomatopoeia, Not Malaprops!





Thanks xen, I had no idea my hearing had actually come back so much until then...

Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page



I literally cannot wait for this.

PUNDAYS have been missed sorely

Join the ranks of The Dawn Patrol!



Just another Pundaaay..I wish it was Friddday

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



We had a small crew tonight but a merry one! I give you the neatly trimmed logs for your enjoyment.

Hurricane Kat: so what's the game?
Moggie: Game of Puns, very simple
Moggie: All players stand in a half circle here on the floor in front of me
Moggie: I start a topic and hand it off to the players. You go in turn to make a pun on the topic
Moggie: If you don't have a pun for the topic you sit out and we start a new topic
Moggie: All puns must be in English
Moggie: Important note: NO REPEATS. I'll do a test round before we start to make sure we all have the format down
Moggie: Ok, simple basic topic to start with for a test

Moggie: Names of candy bars, Mechamouse, your pun
Mechamouse: Oh, Henry, that's some good peanut butter!
Ophis: My friend likes chocolate, but I told Hershey should try vanilla next time.
Mrwrk: Not snickering at Kitten pun!
Hurricane Kat: Mr.Good Hey It's payday but Why am I being paid in nuts?
Mechamouse: I saw Mounds of junk in Kathy's pocket dimension earlier.
Ophis: We have another guest.
Hurricane Kat: Gotta keep the puns rolling
Fr. Alphonse Perle: Indeed I am. I'm looking forward to it.
Moggie: Please fit yourself into the circle, we're just about to get the first topic
Mechamouse: Come in closer, sir. I won't bite.
Ophis moves over so the good father will have room.
Hurricane Kat tosses Mousie a Payday to ensure there won't be any bitings today
Ophis does not know mice to bite unless enraged. Enraged mice are uncommon, but just to be safe...
Ophis: ... "Fiat puns."

Moggie: A nice easy topic to help us all get back in the groove
Moggie: New Topic: Names of Cat Breeds
Moggie: Mecha, your pun
Mechamouse: Barkeep, peanut butter milkshake, and put it on my tabby.
Fr. Alphonse Perle: I'm just a simple Manx, I'm not sure if I can keep up.
Ophis: In 1986, the Soviet embassy's resident housecat watched as a Russian blue himself up to make a political statement.
Mrwrk: Having kitten by short hairs....
Hurricane Kat: Have seen my new Siamese kittens too bad they're twins
Moggie: Topic stays in play and goes again. Mecha
Mechamouse: Angora to the store to by mouse food.
Fr. Alphonse Perle: I Sphinx I might be out of my depth here.
Ophis: In southern England, the traffic is bad. The newspaper reported a number of Cornish Rex.
Mrwrk: Cat so lazy, could use as rug! Was Persian!
Hurricane Kat: Well I was in Maine and I saw Coon
21:14:25 Hurricane Kat: a coon
Mechamouse: Stare too long into the abyssinain, the abbysinian stares back.
Moggie staaares at Mecha
Mechamouse meeps and shies away.
Fr. Alphonse Perle: Diamonds are sometimes measured in korats.
Ophis: Come get this cat out of the kitchen! We gotta stop Himalayan on that counter!
Mrwrk: Can't...think...not be cheetah....
Hurricane Kat: Well three Turks in van had a A turkish Van in thier van
Moggie: ok, that's not ex-cat-ly a pun but I'll take it
Moggie: Mecha, one more time if you please
Mechamouse hangs her head in defeat.
Moggie: Out mouselet?
Mechamouse: I sorry. I'm a mouse, i don't know cats.
Moggie: Good run!
Ophis cheers for the mouse.
Moggie: Father, you will now be in the first slot
Moggie: We're going to change topics now
Fr. Alphonse Perle nods.

Moggie: New Topic: Names of Tribes.
Moggie: Father, your pun
Fr. Alphonse Perle: I should have worn Lakota, but I went with the black jacket instead.
Ophis: I see what you're doing here. With this topic you're gonna Chippewa at us one by one until there's no one left.
Mrwrk: Reallys having to pict this topic? Reallys?
Hurricane Kat: Ah shaka zulu i've have nothing
Moggie: Good run!
Moggie: We're down to a priest, a monk, and an embodiment of chaos. Seems fitting for the venue
Mrwrk: Huron for another topic?
Moggie: Get 'em out if you've more
Hurricane Kat tosses Mrwrk an eskimo bar
Fr. Alphonse Perle: All I needed was one Mohawk for my bird-watching list.
Moggie: Aww Huns, you're just a bunch of Vandals when it comes to these games
Ophis: This is a tough subject, inuit?
Mrwrk: Is not inuit-itive!
Moggie: But you know all the Angles!
Fr. Alphonse Perle: I had a class mate who kept to herself... we called her Chey-Anne.
Mrwrk: But is very Frank topic!
Ophis: Maori gonna continue or just sit here all night?
Fr. Alphonse Perle: As long as we don't get into Saxon violence.
Moggie: And now for something completely different

Moggie: Father, your New Topic: Names of hats
Fr. Alphonse Perle: I fedora a nice lunch. She said gracias.
Ophis: I mitre done better than this if I'd had time to prepare.
Mrwrk: Have pirated topic! From= own hat!
Fr. Alphonse Perle: You all might beret me on this one....
Ophis: I wonder if any members of the French foreign legion wind up on képi?
Mrwrk: Hat topic! Am shako-ing in boots!
Fr. Alphonse Perle: I hope none of you toque any of the puns I have coming up...
Ophis: Once this is over, I think I'm gonna stop by the bar for a nightcap.
Mrwrk: Am Bowlered over!
Fr. Alphonse Perle: I don't think I can tophat that one.
Ophis: I guess we're just gonna have to fez the music, this topic's going on for a while.
Mrwrk: Is very tri-corny subject!
Fr. Alphonse Perle: I might have stetson'd someone's toes...
Ophis: Maybe liquor is a bad idea. Might stop by the all-night place for a homburger.
Mrwrk: What can use on kitten's turban?
Fr. Alphonse Perle: It's cloche by, just over there.
Ophis: I'd like to try cooking with bacon more often. Just imagine: porkpie.
Mrwrk: Felt we should have put cap on this round!
Fr. Alphonse Perle: This isn't the normal balm. You have to take this balmoral-ly.
Ophis: Okay, I know we've already discussed the fedora, but couldn't it also be called a mobcap?
Mrwrk: Nothing coming out of kitten's bonnet!
Fr. Alphonse Perle: I forgot to put the capuchon the milk bottle.
Ophis: I don't know a lot about firearms, but from what I know, birettas are my favorite automatic.
Mrwrk: If can't come up with one, will stocking go down?
Fr. Alphonse Perle: There trillby plenty of puns to go around.
Ophis: I thought you were so mad over that mobcap incident that I was gonna have to watch ushanka *****.
Mrwrk: With Moggie at Helm of competition, will be all doomed!
Fr. Alphonse Perle: I boater we move on to another topic.
Ophis: Yep, we're starting to get pithed over here.
Mrwrk: Can get substitue for rest of round! Knowing actor to help...!
Mrwrk: Tam o; Shatner....
Fr. Alphonse Perle: I hope I can find a good non-stick panama for the eggs I'll be making later.
Ophis: We discussed pork pie before, but now that I think of it I'm really more a beefeater.
Mrwrk: Have to give up on the jester of these...
Fr. Alphonse Perle: Getting chilly... positively Phrygian in here.
Moggie: [I'll Phryg you!... no wait... don't give a Phryg...]
Ophis: Maybe beef isn't too good. How about venison? I could learn to be a deerstalker.
Mrwrk: Already used crowning puns!
Fr. Alphonse Perle: I'm afraid I'll be a pestasos if I keep going with this.
Ophis: I had a couple hats whose colour I didn't like, so I diadem.
Mrwrk: He toque kitten's pun!
Moggie: Repeat, try again please?
Mrwrk starts shaking...collapses unde r the stress!
Moggie: Oh dear... I think the kitten is out
Ophis pats the kitten's shoulder in support.
Mrwrk: Nooooes!
Mechamouse: You did great, Kitten!
Moggie: Wonderful puns and a good run Kitten!
Fr. Alphonse Perle: Exemplary, kitten.
Ophis cheers for the kitten-creature.
Moggie scritches Mrwrk
Mrwrk purrwrks happily!

Mrwrk: Should have paramecium puns!
Moggie: Ameboa those alone Mrwrk
Fr. Alphonse Perle: I'd rather not flagella myself with those.
Mrwrk: Would be to cilia, maybes.
Moggie: Now so far you've been able to use what pun you pleased as it came to you and in your own time
Moggie: I'm changing that
Moggie: I'm down to the last two players for tonight and I know you're both darn good
Moggie: I must therefore hobble you or I'll never make my next cat nap
Moggie: The rules are easy. I'll give you a new topic and you will go back and forth without prompting in alphabetical order
Moggie: Because the rules are hard, the topic will be easy
Moggie: Your New Topic is : Names of Board Games
Moggie: Father, please...
Fr. Alphonse Perle: Apples to Apples, there's no comparison.
Moggie: Ophis?
Ophis: ... *choke*
Moggie: Are you out then?
Ophis: I am.
Moggie: dang...
Moggie claps
Ophis: I'm not one to play many board games.
Fugue.: Well at least I'm not getting board with this
Mechamouse: You really sank his Battleship, padre.
Ophis: B does not come to mind, it really d... SNAP
Mrwrk: Should get back to gammon.
Moggie: You realize of course that this means War next time?
Fugue.: Your such a card, Ophis
Ophis grins. "Out is out."
Mechamouse: Bingo!
Ophis: See! Choke.
Mechamouse: ((Good run, though.))
Ophis: The good Father has me beat honest.
Moggie: Our newest champion Pun Master! Fr. Alphonse Perle!
Ophis cheers for the Padre!
Fr. Alphonse Perle: Thank you, it was quite enjoyable!

Moggie: Thank you for ringing in the New Year in such wonderful style Ladies and Gentlethings!!
Mrwrk: Thanking! For game!
Fr. Alphonse Perle: And tough competition as well. Will there be another?
Moggie: Of course there will.
Moggie: The last Monday night of the month has been set aside for this
Moggie: And I do my level best to not repeat topics

Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page



Tomorrow Night is Punday Night again!! I'm still trying to figure out how it happened so fast.

What: Punday Night, a pun competition on Virtue
When: The last Monday of the month,28 Feb at 10pmEST/ 9pm CST/8pm MT/7pm PST
Where: In Pocket D1 Virtue server,on the main floor, near the window closest to the floating truck

Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page



February Punday Night 2011 (with guest filler from the CAPE global channel)

Moggie: Now, the rules of pun engagement, so we're all clear
Moggie: I will start a topic and hand it to my left. The topic will move around the circle, each person making one pun on it
Moggie: If you don't have a pun, you step out of the circle and the topic changes
Moggie: When we are down to two people, I'll make it harder
Moggie: Please no repeats and don't take it personally if I ask you to explain your puns because sometimes I'm a little slow
Moggie: Shall we try a practice round?
Torch-Fire: Sure
Fr. Alphonse Perle: All right.
Paronomaniac nods. "Why not."
Rexi: :nod
Doc Merriam: I'm game for the game.
Moggie: Ok then, Topic: Names of Hats
Moggie: Torch, your pun
Torch-Fire: I wear many hats and they all have bills
Rexi: Wow, easy topic for Rexi. It almost bowler over.
Paronomaniac: ... Hm. Yep, I'd be out on this one.
Paronomaniac: I'll pass as long as we're practising.
Fr. Alphonse Perle sings, "Oh beret me not on the lone prarie..."
Doc Merriam: I fedora this topic, Moggie. Nice start.
Moggie: So that's how it works
Moggie: Oh, one minor thing. I hardly feel it needs to be mentioned in this company, but please, no outside sources of help
Moggie: Right then! First topic of the night, to limber up our brains!

Moggie: Torch, Topic is: Names of Dog Breeds
Torch-Fire: I'll collie that
Rexi: Rexi don't like when it rains hard... She's afraid of stepping in a poodle.
Paronomaniac: I lost a hunting dog once, felt really bad because I looked for her for days and just couldn't retriever.
Fr. Alphonse Perle: As a priest, I try to be a good Shepherd to my flock.
Doc Merriam: Boxer up, this round's done.
Torch-Fire: I just ate a burrito and had to chihuahua on that
Rexi: Rexi hear a lady say once, "You're a real Saint, Bernard, for watching the kids."
Paronomaniac: I once had a dog that couldn't bark! I wrote back to the puppy farm I bought him from and they said "no problem, basenji another one as soon as we can."
Fr. Alphonse Perle: I tried not to be late, but I do tend to terrier over writing my speeches.
Doc Merriam: Beagle-durned if you guys aren't good at this.
Torch-Fire: Columbus was sailing on the ocean when his look out in the crows nest yelled "Look! New Foundland!"
Rexi: Rexi know a lady who make gourmet meals for dogs. She calls her company 'Chow Time'.
Paronomaniac: My guard dog bit me last week. I should know better than to pinscher when she doesn't expect it.
Fr. Alphonse Perle: A woman brought over a potted Easter lily, once. I told her to setter on the table in the vestibule.
Doc Merriam: I was trying to tell a Tall Tale to Flava Flav the other day, but he called it right off. Got two sentences in before he called "BULL, DAWG!"
Torch-Fire: I have this friend he's not the sharp pei one in the bunch
Rexi: Rexi say, "Never underestimate the power of veggies." They make sure you can shi tzu more easily. ((Sorry for the gross out.))
Paronomaniac: Akita proper training is to make sure your dog learns commands in Japanese.
Fr. Alphonse Perle: I was on jury once, and the judge called defense counsel to the bench. Counsel didn't want to go and asked, "Weimaraner?"
Doc Merriam: I got lost in Talos the other day looking for Spanky's Boardwalk. Gave up, but after this I'm going back to resume my dachshund.
Fr. Alphonse Perle: ((Afraid I have to bow out. Husband's calling, and it may be a while before I can come back.))
Moggie: Ladies and Gentleman the rules say that when we go down one, we change the topic
Rexi: Aw... Rexi was gonna say her favorite Devo song was "Whippet".

[CapeRadio]Trem'Dei: {Rexi} I once knew a guy who wrote his thesis on Cannabis, hoping to get some higher education.
[CapeRadio]Sardonic Paladin: [Doc Merriam] Bet his grades went to pot.
[CapeRadio]One Hit Wonder: [the One and Only!]: He should have cracked the books instead.
[CapeRadio]Trem'Dei: {Rexi} The university had strict policies to weed out undesirables.
[CapeRadio]Burnsidhe: [Hikari L Masamune, lvl 42 Arachnos Widow] So he had to leaf very fast?
[CapeRadio]One Hit Wonder: [the One and Only!]: I'm sure his professor saw through the smoke.
CapeRadio]Trem'Dei: {Rexi} Ultimately, though, he wound up on the Bong show, and lost.
CapeRadio]Lunar Eclipse: [Traceur] he was probably ganja with the wind once they saw THAT
[CapeRadio]Silver Tooth: I don't mean to be blunt here, but this is a serious matter.

Moggie: Ok then, New Topic: Names of Fantasy Races
Torch-Fire: I feel dwarfed already
Rexi: Well, Rexi think these puns can be hobbit forming.
Paronomaniac: Nope, but I want to clarify. Have they got to be humanoid? Otherwise, I don't see much point in dragon this out any more than I need to.
Moggie: That'll do man, that'll do
Doc Merriam: Wish the good Padre didn't have to leave so soon. He was doing well, and any man of the cloth is Kender me.
Torch-Fire: Yeah , that's wight
Rexi: Rexi think the Resistance need to have a little more elf respect if they want to overthrow Cole.
Paronomaniac: ... I'm not sure how I'm gonna continue, ent's hard enough to think as it is.
Doc Merriam: Uruk-hai up in the rafters! Another bird creature! That damn Animal Pack!
Torch-Fire: Everyone is so pixie about RP and stuff around here
:Rexi sorry she goblin up all the good puns.
Paronomaniac: I agree, I agree. It's getting faerie difficult.
Doc Merriam: ((Kat, girl, this is getting hard.))
Torch-Fire: Witch way to the rest room?
Rexi: Be it ever so humble, there's gno place like Gnome.
Paronomaniac: I know Rexi has been sniping my puns, but it's all part of the game and I promise I won't drider any further. She's a great competitor.
Doc Merriam: What's the Rularuu-call? I can't remember everything we've done so far.
Torch-Fire: I'm getting drow-sy
Rexi: Rexi learn the hard way not to bug bears, you get swiped at.
Paronomaniac: Tolkien's picture-book version of the Middle Earth trilogy was fantastic. I looked at the photos and I was like "'n at's a man, 'n at's a hobbit, nazghul..."
Doc Merriam: Vern asked me the other day if I'd drive him to the bank and stay outside with the motor running. Now, Vern is a bit of an unsavory sort, so I asked him, "Wyvern?"
Torch-Fire: She said I ogre ten bucks
Rexi: Rexi think this topic is gryphon her a headache.
Paronomaniac: I find myself having to search slowly for my puns, not unlike a man trolling for fish on a lazy river.
Doc Merriam: This topic is getting to be a rather giant endeavor.
Torch-Fire: My friend and I went to a bar. He said a few things about Wales and I responded I'll drake to that
Rexi: Ready orc not, here comes Rexi!
Paronomaniac: I'm thinking! I'm thinking! I just need a minotaur two to come up with one!
Doc Merriam: Pony Girl Detra clops around the D, but Pony Boy Si clops around the Giza.
Torch-Fire: Let's go. I'm getting imp-patient over here
Rexi: Rexi like Punday Nights. She gets to be the centaur of attention.
Paronomaniac: I think someone should officially be demon this topic too broad for our advanced minds.
Doc Merriam: ((If you buy me a horsetail, I'm not accepting it any later than Satyr-day.))
Torch-Fire: Not a ghost of a chance will you catch me
Rexi: Rexi thinking this topic is starting to dryad up.
Paronomaniac: It was a fantasy creature that shot President Kennedy! They're always on about the grassy gnoll.
Doc Merriam: ((gah, phone))
Doc Merriam: ((Consider me out for the timing.))
Torch-Fire: Holms and Watson were on the case. When they spotted their suspect, made of of mud, Holms exclaimed "Elemental my dear Watson!"
Moggie: And that was a truly brutal and beautiful round children
Doc Merriam: ((I was trying to work in "CHARLIE SHEEN'S FUTURE CAREER" as a pun but ...))
Paronomaniac: [Two and a half mermen?]
Doc Merriam: ((It definitely fit the "fantasy creatures" topic. ))

Moggie: Ok New Topic: Names of Cattle Breeds
Torch-Fire: You're good at holstein you know that Moggie
Rexi: An' Gus wins the Redneck Rally once again!
Paronomaniac: When I'm rich enough I'm gonna buy me a big black Limousin and a chauffeur to drive it around.
Torch-Fire: You take the highland and I'll take the low land. . .
Rexi: Maybe Moggie call the medics for Rexi so they can bring a guernsy out for her to lay on?
Paronomaniac: News flash: a cow has recently been elected president of the United States. His acceptance speech began: 'My fellow Armoricans.'
Torch-Fire: Don't barka at me just talk normal
Rexi: Her ford broke down, so she's renting a Yugo.
Paronomaniac: Dairy cows are known to produce milk in great Abondance.
Torch-Fire: She was packing when he walked in, "What's the bra ford?" he asked "We're only gone one night"
Rexi: A long horn sounding means the ship's come in.
Paronomaniac: I'd write these puns down but I don't have any paper, and I'm afraid my Pembroke, too.
Torch-Fire: Where are you from? Jersey
Rexi: Rexi not like all the Bhrama that happen in the D.
Paronomaniac: I took my cow to the vet because her tail wasn't moving. The vet said "To get her tail to Wagyu have to give her this medicine."
Torch-Fire: The Greek received a raise. He was going to Steppe up in the world.
Rexi looks worried as both ears droop.
Rexi: Rexi out.
Paronomaniac: Come on, bunny, you can do it!
Rexi: Can't think of any more cow puns.
Moggie: Good run Rexi!
Moggie: Clearly, you're no cow flop
Paronomaniac cheers for the rabbit!
Torch-Fire: (My next one was "The town was terrified! The Horro! The Horro!)

Moggie: And this is where we must turn up the heat a bit or we'll be here all night
Moggie: Since we're down to only two I'll go ahead and activate the alphabet rule
Rexi: Rexi loves the alphabet rule!
Moggie: Puns must go in order, first Torch will make a pun that starts with 'A', then Paro makes a pun that starts with 'B' and so on
Moggie: Since I've been informed it's evil and sadistic outside of my usual, I'll skip the time limit this go 'round
Moggie: New Topic: Names of Nuts (no brand names allowed)
Moggie: Torch, the A pun please
Torch-Fire: I'll almond what I was going to say
Paronomaniac: Button that shirt! Your Brazil is showing!
Torch-Fire: Cashew later
Paronomaniac: ... D. You know, I can't think of one that starts with "d". I'm out.
Paronomaniac concedes.
Moggie: Well done!
Moggie: Nice Run Paro!
Moggie: The Punday Night Champion for February is Torch-Fire!
Moggie: Congratulations!!!
Fr. Alphonse Perle: ((Congrats!))
Torch-Fire: Thanks!
Doc Merriam: ((gratz))
Paronomaniac: Well done, Torchy, you should be proud.

Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page



Sorry about the short notice reminder!

What: Punday Night, a pun competition on Virtue
When: The last Monday of the month,28 March at 10pmEST/ 9pm CST/8pm MT/7pm PST
Where: In Pocket D1 Virtue server,on the main floor, near the window closest to the floating truck

Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page



gives moggie a fist BUMP

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Due to circumstance beyond my control (read: MASSIVE FREAKIN' FINALS!) Punday Night will not be occurring in April.
Please feel free to come come back next month and see what happens then!

Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page