1st WS. What form/forms??




Hey peeps, after playing since i4 iv never tried a WS, but I think I'm about to start one.

Just wondering what form is the best for doing damage? All human tri or dual form?



Nova is your damage form.
The mires from Human and Dwarf can pump up Nova. Therefore triform is clearly best for pure damage.



Thats what i was thinking, just checking




Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Please give my guide a read. The link is in my sig.
The Warshade one. Not the Dark Armor link. Cuz, ya know....Dark Armor sucks.



Thank you for the guid, after reading it I am 100% making a WS.



Triform is the way to go on a first-time WS in my opinion, it's just so much fun! (well after level 20 or so, before that it can be a bit of a slog).

From level 18 onwards you just sorta get a rain of lovely powers (until you hit the 40s, then it's more a case of picking up ones you couldn't fit in previously and which are nice but not amazing)

I think I'm going to have to make a Stateside Warshade next, I miss Warshading (mine is stuck EU side on an inactive account).