mids update?




hi all..i got mids 1.9.10 the other day but now it says theres another update and to click on it.

so i do and then it says it needs to apply. so of course i do and then it comes up. however if i wanna click a link on a build here on the forums and try to open it.i get this message telling me theres an update again and needs to restart again.

so i hit ok but it stops the build from coming up. so i click the link again and the same thing happens on how it needs to restart and stop the build from coming up

anyone else having mid troubles?



Got the update last night, no problems.



whoops n/m i finalyl got it...i saw the read me file saying toif theres issues to install it outside of the program files . i did and worked perfectly



any word as to when and if the incarnate stuff will be added to mids?

@The REAL Chop

My teachers always told me to follow my dreams. To bad they are all Nightmares.



Originally Posted by xCHAOSx View Post
any word as to when and if the incarnate stuff will be added to mids?
Eventually. No set timeframe the last i saw.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Soon is trademarked for CoH... So how about Eventually...

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I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill



Originally Posted by xCHAOSx View Post
any word as to when and if the incarnate stuff will be added to mids?
There is a word!

Originally Posted by Diellan
Before I20. I should have my first working version of it ready within the next week, after which, it'll have to go through QA testing and there is a good chance of there being some bugs somewhere, so it'll take a week or two after that.