A Doctor Who Fans Phrasebook - and its relevance to all Internet forums




Although I never visited the late, lamented Doctor Who forum Outpost Gallifrey, the very fact that I know of its existence places me ineluctably in the Sad Anorak category. With that disclaimer out of the way, I'd like to provide the CoH forum community with selections from one of its sterling threads: “The Fan’s Phrasebook”. Isolated from the context of debates over whether CGI are better than plastic models and who was the best Doctor, its entries apply to every online community that has accreted around some popular culture phenomenon, whether a television program or a video game.

“I am proud to be a Doctor Who fan.”
I am scum. I am a socially maladjusted retard who is nervous around the opposite sex. I am either a spiteful and dour malcontent with a cynically vicious streak so wide my anorak has had to be made by a special tailor or a verbose and inanely positive Special Needs creep who is easily pleased by the most charmless and bland lowest-common-denominator television imaginable. My next reply will tell you which...

“I felt that Story X was a bit weak.”
Why am I not producing this show? And directing it? And writing it? And why am I not playing the Doctor and/or his assistant?

“The Doctor's line about xxxx directly contradicts what he said in ... ”
I am, apparently, unaware that Doctor Who is a fictional television show written by lots of different people.

“You are, apparently, unaware that Doctor Who is a fictional television show written by lots of different people.”
Look at me, everybody, I'm making some Saddo with borderline Autism look like a clown! Aren't I just, like, the coolest kiddie that ever walked the earth?! I think I'll go out a beat up some cripples now.

Code of Conduct:
“That could be considered a Code of Conduct violation.”
"I'm gonna grass you up like a Copper's nark!"

“... and you felt you had to start your own thread on this subject when one already exists, because?”
I am an officious pedant ... And, I'm gonna grass you up like a Copper's nark!

“With all due respect…”
I think you are bottom-feeding scum with opinions of no value whatsoever to man nor beast. Unfortunately, we have this damn Code of Conduct so I'm biting my lip and taking the piss at the same time.

“We should all respect each other's opinions.”

“I'm entitled to my opinion.”
I really didn't think about that previous post, at all, did I?

“You have every right to your own opinions just as I have every right to mine.”
Thank you for your timely reminder of what "Ignore Files" are for.

“My opinions are being dismissed! Ever heard of free speech?!”
I have no idea what the concept of "free speech" actually entails.
Naturally this glossary continued to grow, requiring a second installment of selections.

Series five will be 'Specials' only:
OMG!!!! The sky is falling! The SKY is FALLING!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, I don't want to say "I TOLD YOU SO" (but I'm going to anyway ... even though, actually, I didn't tell you this or anything even remotely like it, I told you that the show would be cancelled at the end of Series four and, when I do say "I TOLD YOU SO" I'm going to look like a proper a 'nana when somebody digs into the archives and finds what I actually DID told you...)

The Christmas Special can't come soon enough!:
I just can't take six bloody months of Arlene bloody Phillips on Saturday night telly.

Fandom Buzzwords:

Interesting view...:
... and, here's my better one...

You raise some very valid points:
Everything you say is wrong...


Everyone I know:

The Fandom Wars:

Get over it:
My opinion is right, and despite the fact that your argument is well-articulated and well-supported, I'm going to stick my fingers in my ears and go 'lah-lah-lah!' because I know you are wrong.

Get a life:
My irony detector is on the blink again. As, indeed, it has been for the last 25 years. Which way's the exit?

We're just going to have to agree to disagree ...
But one day I shall return to destroy this miserable little planet and you along with it! Goodbye!
With only a week until the new Christmas special, I thought some of these might come in handy...



What I was hoping for, but didn't see.
Copied and Pasted from Quotes Page

“The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. Instead of altering their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit their views...which can be very uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering.”
Doctor Who

“First things first, but not necessarily in that order.”
Doctor Who

“Logic merely enables one to be wrong with authority.”
Doctor Who

“Anybody remotely interesting is mad, in some way or another.”
Doctor Who

“Rest is for the weary, sleep is for the dead.”
Doctor Who

“According to classical aerodynamics, it is impossible for a bumblebee to fly”
Doctor Who

“Resistance is useless.”
Doctor Who

“Good place to put things - cellars.”
Doctor Who

“There are worlds out there where the skies are burning, where the seas asleep, and the rivers dream. People made of smoke, and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice...and somewhere else the tea is getting cold. Come on Ace...we've got work to do!”
Doctor Who

“I tolerate this century but I don't enjoy it.”
Doctor Who

“I'm not wild about computers myself, but they are a tool. If you have a tool, it's stupid not to use it.”
Doctor Who

“Your struggle is futile.”
Doctor Who

“I can also withstand considerably more G-force than most people, even though I do say so myself.”
Doctor Who

“Bad laws were made to be broken.”
Doctor Who

“The beauty of cinema is it's something that can be made locally and consumed the world over,”
Doctor Who

“We should back ourselves a little harder, and have a bit more courage and resolve.”
Doctor Who

“No, no. It's [a visited planets' atmosphere] quite healthy. Similar to Earth, before the invention of the motorcar!”
Doctor Who



Originally Posted by QuietAmerican View Post
What I was hoping for, but didn't see.
Copied and Pasted from Quotes Page
Interesting view. Another alternative would be the Quote File from rec.arts.drwho, which covers the years in Doctor Who fandom on Usenet from 1995 to 2002 (a.k.a. the wilderness years) and contains much wittiness.

I still rather liked the Outpost Gallifrey community's group endeavor in laughing at itself for a bit. Fandom is a serious business, particularly when conducted on the Internet.