Silly RPSG/VG question...





Epic Fail



With all of the numerous influenced SGs and characters out there... I don't quite understand the "epic fail" comment, but whatever, hehe...

I'm only casually familiar with the background of that world and the powers and such, and I'd say, of all the things I've seen borrowed in the game and expanded upon to work into something in this game, I could totally see that being a good choice.

Unfortunately, I have no actually helpful things to offer you, Agonus, as I have no idea if there are any out there or anything.

I'm sure there are some Kinetic Melee air benders out there though, hehe.

Best of luck! (Even if it is just to satiate some curiosity... and now I am curious as well)

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
With all of the numerous influenced SGs and characters out there... I don't quite understand the "epic fail" comment...
Nor I. Especially considering some of the RP groups I -have- seen in this game. *shrug*

Started watching the show from the beginning on netflix recently. I like the setting and mythos of it.

Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
I'm only casually familiar with the background of that world and the powers and such, and I'd say, of all the things I've seen borrowed in the game and expanded upon to work into something in this game, I could totally see that being a good choice...
Save for water (which wouldn't be too hard to get creative with) the main powers are at least available in CoH. Granted save for Kinetic Melee they aren't as visually connected to martial arts, but still.

Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Unfortunately, I have no actually helpful things to offer you, Agonus, as I have no idea if there are any out there or anything.

I'm sure there are some Kinetic Melee air benders out there though, hehe.

Best of luck! (Even if it is just to satiate some curiosity... and now I am curious as well)
Heh. S'cool. Thanks. While the show is still pretty fresh in my head I figured now would be a good a time as any to look, y'know?

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



With the maturity level of most, I'd assume the only Airbending you'll find happening is a bunch of tools bending their farts in the Pocket D.

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