Torn between the two again!




Once again, I have been looking at a FM/WP build on mids for both a scrapper and a brute. The brute does a little bit more damage than the scrap when fury is at about 70, but the scrap does more damage without the brute having its fury up; and of course the scrapper will have that crit chance. I will plan on being able to solo AVs with this toon, I have most of my experience in tanking and controllers, so never really made a dps toon, not sure which one I should go with, anyone have any on input on which I should go with?



Both will be perfectly viable to solo AVs with, for the record.

But personally, I would suggest the brute. Brute's fury affects the DoT on FM's attacks while crits don't take it into account, and WP's regen and +max HP will see slightly more of an effect on a Brute than a Scrapper because of the higher base and max HP caps.

As a note, since you've played tanks: WP's aggro aura is crap, but using any PBAoE can substitute for it without much issue in that regard, taunt is always handy when you have 'em spread out.

Scrapper will naturally be better for start-stop, start-stop play, Brute is best when you go and don't stop. You should know which one you tend to gravitate to with playing other characters.

Best of luck, whatever you choose.



Is there a "significant" difference between the two? Or would you say its negligible? I think fire/wp is the next combo i want to try also.

When I asked which AT to pick regarding fire/shield I was advised to go scrapper.



Originally Posted by chief_beef View Post
Is there a "significant" difference between the two? Or would you say its negligible?
It depends on what you call a Significant difference.

Originally Posted by Stolid View Post
Brute's fury affects the DoT on FM's attacks while crits don't take it into account
This is true but not as substantial as it might be made out to be. Cremate's DOT damage accounts for about 25% of the damage of the attack; Fire Sword's DOTs about an average of 17%, Scorch 23%. Incinerate, as one huge DoT, is not affected by this fact. As these are staples of most Fire Melee attack chains, this means that the Scrapper's Criticals not accounting for Fire is, on non-Minions, responsible for less than a 2% difference in what it would otherwise be - which is still far more damage than you're going to be doing as a Brute.

That said, Stolid's other points are valid. Resistance-heavy sets can shine on Brutes because of their higher Resistance cap, and more HP and regen is always nice. But since i18 made Fury generation easier-but-less-powerful, the real question is: Do you want to hit harder or live longer?

Originally Posted by chief_beef View Post
When I asked which AT to pick regarding fire/shield I was advised to go scrapper.
This is because Shield is amazing on Scrappers. Due to the higher Scrapper damage scalar(1.125 vs 0.75) and damage buff multiplier(1.0 vs. 0.8), Shield Charge is far stronger and Against all Odds benefits the Scrapper much more. Furthermore, as a Defense-heavy set, the Brute's resist caps don't get the opportunity to assist the Brute very often.



If I recall (and I can be off on this admittedly), wasn't Fire Melee the one set (out side of other factors, like pairing it with shields) that Brutes made out better than Scrappers?

This is of course assuming you're not going afk every minute (the stop and go play style mentioned earlier).

If that's true, and you're able to just keep going, Brute seems to be the ideal AT for going Fire Melee/Willpower.

More damage and better regen/hit points, not to mention higher resist caps when team with ATs that can grant +Resist.

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