[Help] City of Heroes crash on setting change




Ok, so I just renewed my sub for CoH. 'YA!' I think as I open the game up. Login fine. Load toon fine. Go to change graphics settings.... Not so fine.

I go to the options, and when I hit the 'Graphics and Audio' tab at the top it crashes and gives me a basic win7 'Stopped working' message.

I am running an i7 950, 6G DDR3 Ram, and 2 GTX 480's running driver 259.32 on a Gigabyte X58A-UD7. I am also running 2 screens, 1 HDMI the other is DVi.

Yes, I am running it in Admin Mode.

Things I have tried:

1. DVi (secondary screen)off. Did not work.
2. SLI off. Did not work.
3,4,5. Disabling 'Visual Themes' 'Desktop Compression' and the DPI scaling. Still not working.
All of above together. DID NOT WORK!

6. Safe mode via client did not work. I can get to the settings now. I can change the res, but any other settings, and it crashes again.

I am getting a little pissed, as I went and got a 6 month sub, so if I can't get it working, then.... well.... I have wasted 70+ bucks. Is there anyway to fix this? I had no problems when I was running it on Win Vista....

Hope you guys can help. I have been searching for a few days now....

---System information gathered by CoH Helper version

DxDiag gathered at December 16, 2010 09:40 (+11:00)
Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (6.1, Build 7600) (7600.win7_gdr.100618-1621)
System Manufacturer: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
System Model: X58A-UD7
BIOS: Award Modular BIOS v6.00PG
Central Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 950 @ 3.07GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.0GHz
Memory: 6144MB
.Net Memory Report: 3488MB out of 6142MB available
Page File: 9062MB (3221MB currently in use)
C Drive: (WDC WD1002FAEX-00Z3A0 ATA Device) 784363MB out of 953766MB (82%) free
E Drive: (WDC WD10EVDS-63U8B0 SCSI Disk Device) 470344MB out of 953867MB (49%) free
G Drive: (WDC WD1002FAEX-00Z3A0 ATA Device) 600746MB out of 953866MB (62%) free
D Drive: (TSSTcorp DVDWBD SH-B123A ATA Device) zero-size drive
Windows directory location: C:\Windows
DirectX: DirectX 11
DirectX Diag version: 6.01.7600.16385 (64-bit version)

Display Notes: No problems found.

No problems found.
Sound Notes: No problems found.

No problems found.

No problems found.

No problems found.

No problems found.
Input Notes: No problems found.

Monitor's Max Resolution: (blank)
Video Device Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480
Manufacturer / Chip: NVIDIA / NVxx
Video Memory: 4063 MB
Driver Version:
Driver Date: 8/06/2010 10:27:00 AM
Driver Language: English

Monitor's Max Resolution: (blank)
Video Device Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480
Manufacturer / Chip: NVIDIA / NVxx
Video Memory: 4063 MB
Driver Version:
Driver Date: 8/06/2010 10:27:00 AM
Driver Language: English

Sound Device Description: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
Driver File: RTKVHD64.sys
Driver Version: 6.00.0001.6029
Driver Date: 1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM

Sound Device Description: Realtek Digital Output(Optical) (Realtek High Definition Audio)
Driver File: RTKVHD64.sys
Driver Version: 6.00.0001.6029
Driver Date: 1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM

Sound Device Description: SMBX2450-1 (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)
Driver File: nvhda64v.sys
Driver Version: 1.00.0015.0000
Driver Date: 1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM

Sound Device Description: Realtek HD Audio 2nd output (Realtek High Definition Audio)
Driver File: RTKVHD64.sys
Driver Version: 6.00.0001.6029
Driver Date: 1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM

Sound Device Description: Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio)
Driver File: RTKVHD64.sys
Driver Version: 6.00.0001.6029
Driver Date: 1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM

WMI Information
Motherboard Manufacturer: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
Motherboard Model: (empty)
Motherboard Product: X58A-UD7
Motherboard Version:
BIOS Manufacturer: Award Software International, Inc.
BIOS Name: Award Modular BIOS v6.00PG
BIOS Version: GBT - 42302e31
BIOS Release: 20100311000000.000000+000

Registry Information for Current User
Resolution: 1024x768
3D Resolution: 1024x768 (Not using renderscale)
Full Screen: Yes
Maximized: No
Screen Position: 0, 0
Refresh Rate: 60Hz
Vertical Sync Enabled: Yes

Physics Quality: Medium
Maximum Particles: 50000
Max Particle Fill? 10.000
Physics Card Enabled: No

Anti-aliasing: Off
Anisotropic Filtering: 4x
Texture LOD Bias: Smooth
Water Effects: Medium quality
Bloom: 1.000 (turned on)
Depth of Field Enabled: Yes
Desaturation Effects (Sepia) Enabled: Yes
Shader Detail: Medium?

World Texture Level: Very High
Character Texture Level: Medium
World Detail Level (Vis_Scale): 1.000
Entity Detail Level: 1.000
Shadows Enabled: No
Shadow Mode: Shadow maps
Shadow Map Shader: Low quality
Environmental Reflections: Disabled
Advanced Occlusion Settings: No
Ambient Occlusion: Off
Occlusion Strength: Off
Blur: Bilateral
Ambient Resolution: Performance

Gamma Correction: 1.000
Geometry Buffers (VBOs) Enabled: Yes
Suppression of FX When Camera Close Enabled: No
Close Suppression Range: 3.000
Show Advertisements: Yes

Audio Mode: Performance
3D Audio: No
FX Sound Volume: 1.000
Music Sound Volume: 0.600

Show Advanced Graphics Options: No
Overall Graphics Quality: 0.500
Reverse Mouse Buttons: No
Save Login Username: Yes
Transfer Rate: Unknown bytes/second
Current Game Version: 1900.201011102104.11
Installation Directory: G:\games\City of Heroes

Mod files in the Data directory
No modifications found



Asked a mod to move this, as it belongs better in the Technical issues forum.

About the only thing I can think of to ask - are those the most recent drivers? I know some were having issues with City of Heroes and the most recent drivers from nVidia.

Also, if you have, add the info, if you haven't, try this then add what happens :

When starting the updater, click "run in safe mode" after hitting "next" and before "I agree". Then try your adjustments.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



well, that worked.... until I started changing settings.

I can change the res, but as soon as I try to change anything else, it crashes. :S

Also, thanks for getting the mode to put it where it should go.



I had this problem recently. Uninstalled my graphics drivers, ran Driver Sweeper, rebooted, installed the graphics drivers (same version). Haven't had a crash going to the Graphics and Audio tab since *knock on particleboard*.

But still I fear and still I dare not laugh at the madman!

One man's "meh" is another man's "zomg". - Leatherneck

Procrastination meter coming soon.



cool. will try that. Was hoping I could avoid it, but if people have had it work, then I will have to do it.



Ok, we have progress! XD

After doing the driver re-install, I am now able to go and change settings without SafeMode.

However, the game still crashes when I try to change the FSAA, or the Ambient Resolution in the advanced options for Ambient Occlusion.

I am not to worried about these options, but the fact that trying to change them crashes the game is a bit of a worry to me...

So, is it still my side? or is this a bug in CoH?

I have not tested changing these settings in Safe Mode or anything else I have listed in my OP. I am going to go do that now tho.\

EDIT: Ok, tryed everything that I had in the OP. FSAA and Ambient Resolution crash the game in all modes.



I started getting the same crash issue you've described. I tried new vid drivers, old vid drivers, safe mod, reinstalled and verified all the files, etc... Then I started shutting down background applications, it turns out the EVGA Drecision On-screen Display Server was the culprit. Even though I had been running it on the G15 screen and not as an overlay. So perhaps something in the background is giving you grief.