Repulsion Bomb slotting




Hello everyone.

In respeccing my Sonic/Energy Blaster, I have been looking at the above power and wondering exactly how I should be slotting it for maximum effectiveness. In teams and solo, it's excellent mitigation and the stun, though small, stacks with all the others in my arsenal. However, I noticed that its damage is not insignificant and does more than my only other AoE, Howl.

My build is fairly set heavy and I don't Frankenslot much so my choice is between a full set of Stupefy for the stun or a full set of Positron's Blast. Any recommendations? Or how would you do it differently?

Many thanks!

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



On my blaster I went with a Posi Blast set (minus the Dam/Range) and a standard recharge IO, but I'm thinking about swapping it out for the Ragnarok set I have in Energy Torrent (minus the proc, of course). Repulsion Bomb has a 40% chance to stun, which isn't awful, but you're better off going for damage than stun.


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That's interesting. I thought it was a 100% chance, even if it was only Mag 2.

That makes my choice a lot more easy. Thank you.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



I find it very hard to resist frankenslotting Repulsion Bomb. It is just SUCH a good damage power. If it were an attack on its own, it would be great, but it's a mitigation tool too.

I would NOT slot it for Knockback, say with a Kinetic Crash or whatever. While another proc might be nice, if you slot any knockback in it it will turn from knockdown to knockback. And the knockdown, more than the stun, is the main mitigation of the power.

I would go ahead and slot Positron's, and then if you can find the space, try and fit two of something that you can double up the Recharge a little bit. It's a useful power to have three slotted for both damage and recharge. But that's just me, if you'd rather complete the Set, that's better than trying to make it work without damage.



Thanks, I think I will aim for damage. Once I've got some shards, I'll be aiming for the Spiritual Alpha to tighten up my attack chain a little more. Not sure how much it'll bring the recharge down but I've got plenty of other controls in my build I can use while it recharges.

If you do have a Frankenslotting suggestion, I'd still like to hear it. I'm not so hot when it comes to maxing out powers using that method.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
If you do have a Frankenslotting suggestion, I'd still like to hear it. I'm not so hot when it comes to maxing out powers using that method.
I actually don't remember my slotting, but I believe the reason I'm so set against using Kinetic Crash is that's what I've got in there. I wasn't thinking and slotted it, and started doing major knockback. I need to remove it, but haven't gotten around to it yet.



Also, if you regularly fight large groups of enemies, consider putting a Force Feedback proc in Repulsion Bomb. In those situations it's got a pretty decent chance to activate and 100% rech for 5 seconds goes farther than you'd think.


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Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
Also, if you regularly fight large groups of enemies, consider putting a Force Feedback proc in Repulsion Bomb. In those situations it's got a pretty decent chance to activate and 100% rech for 5 seconds goes farther than you'd think.
Good suggestion, thanks! I use it in Footstomp on my Stone/SS Tank and it's surprising how often it fires.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -