Is it my PC or my Internet?




My PC is six years old, 1-2 GB of memory, okay graphics card, yadda yadda. And I've got the basic cable modem package from Time Warner RoadRunner.

Last night while playing CoH, something really weird happened rather consistently. After playing for a while, I would collect a bunch of enhancements, and then I'd ask if anyone needed any -- this was at really low levels where training enhancement gifts are still nice. So someone would say, "Sure! I'll take your lvl 7 accuracy!" and I would hand it to them...

...and then my PC would freeze for a good minute.

Later I did some more handoffs after a mission, and the first handoff would freeze my PC for about 10 seconds. Later handoffs were okay.

Just really weird...never had that happen before. I've experienced the usual annoyances of rubberbanding while running or leaping, and having the game freeze while getting close to a new batch of players so that their skins will load, but this is the first time I've ever had problems just handing over an enhancement to somebody.

So I was wondering...are the problems I'm having -- especially this new one -- PC related or internet related? I'd hate to buy a brand new PC only to find that it's my internet that needed upgrading. Are there any tools where I can see whether my PC's performance and my internet performance are up to snuff.



if it's consistently linked to an in game action I'd suspect your computer instead of your internet



/netgraph 1
Hand off inspiration
See if there's a spike, or "block" showing up.

I can't say I've seen it right offhand, but not dismissing it either. Only places I've dragged enhancements to would be the auction or storage bin.

Also, you say it happens after "a while." How about right when you get in game?

As always, COHHelper/Hijackthis info helps, as well.



Originally Posted by NewScrapper View Post
I would hand it to them...

...and then my PC would freeze for a good minute.

Later I did some more handoffs after a mission, and the first handoff would freeze my PC for about 10 seconds. Later handoffs were okay.
Oh, I'd say it's the game, and here's why:
I had a problem virtually identical to that. When putting enhancements in the consignment house, the first one I dragged/dropped would freeze my system exactly as you describe. If I dragged additional ones, there would not be any problem. Also, if I right-clicked and moved it to the auction slot that way, there would not be any freeze.

This would happen EVERY SINGLE TIME I used the consignment house. Then we had a patch to the game and it stopped and never happened again.

And it wasn't a case of my system having marginal performance where issues might crop up. This was on a quad core system, 8GB of RAM, 5850 video card and my graphics settings are low enough I can run 2 accounts with no performance hit. Something in the game was wonky and a patch fixed it.

Now, I have no idea if dragging/dropping on players would have had the same issue. I honestly can't remember the last time I did that.

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