Villian badges as Vigiliante




i searched the boards and couldn't find this answer, so is there any issues with vigilantes getting villain-side badges? i remember that some of the explores might not have been working, but this might have been cleared up in the last patch. i will eventually be flipping completely to villian, but was wondering what i can/can't get now.

50: Ill/Kin(A+,R,J)-1047 badges RE/Dark(A) Fire/Elec Warshade BS/Regen Necro/Poison Ice/Fiery(A+) Son/Son Bane(A) FM/DA(A) DM/Nin Grav/Icy
lvling: Inv/EM DM/Sheild Arch/MM Bane NW Elec/Earth Grav/Elec Elec/FA Rad/Ice
Paragon Elite/Rogue Elite Joined Oct 2004



There are lots of villain badges a Vigilante can get or at least start to get credit for. For instance all of the redside Explores and most Defeat badges are doable. You can even start to get credit for redside Day Job badges, but there are other badges that you'll have to go full villain (as a Villain or Rogue) before they'll actually be awarded to you. Since you say you're planning to go full villain anyway you shouldn't have any problem in the long run. As always you can check Paragonwiki for more specific info.


Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



I was wondering this, too, but for Rogues. Looked on the Wiki, but didn't see anything about which badges you needed to be a full Hero/Villain for. I don't know if it's not there, or I'm just bad at searching.

Edit: Looks like there's an answer in this thread:

Arc 180901: Flight of the Dreadnought



Originally Posted by Soul_Stormer View Post
i searched the boards and couldn't find this answer, so is there any issues with vigilantes getting villain-side badges? i remember that some of the explores might not have been working, but this might have been cleared up in the last patch. i will eventually be flipping completely to villian, but was wondering what i can/can't get now.
Check this thread:
Going Rogue Badges

With some badges you have to switch fully to the other side to get them.

  • Isolator
  • Multidimensional
  • Received the Stalwart Medallion
  • Earned the Statesman Star
  • Awarded the Freedom Cross
  • Button Man Gunner
  • Fire Thorn Caster
  • Nebula Elite Buckshot
  • Arachnophobic
  • Wrangler
  • Poltergeist
  • Sandblasted
  • Shark Hunter
  • Lost Savior
  • City Official
  • Law Enforcer
  • Commuter
  • Shop Keeper
  • Dimensional Explorer
  • Intern
  • Police Chief
  • Security Chief
  • Traveler
  • Entrepreneur
  • Scientist
  • Heroic
  • Received the Atlas Medallion*
  • Conspiracy Theorist*
  • Portal Jockey*
  • Freedom Phalanx Reserve Member*
  • Archmage*
  • Vanguard*
  • Geas of the Kind Ones*
  • Task Force Commander*

  • Night Widow
  • Wolf Spider Tac Ops
  • Wailer Queen
  • Wolf Spider Enforcer
  • Thorn Robber
  • Thorn Thief
  • Thorn Usurper
  • Oppressor
  • Destroyer
  • Dead-eye
  • Interrogator
  • Breakneck
  • Uppercut
  • Pilot
  • Crey Employee
  • Arachnos Official
  • Arachnos Agent
  • Smuggler
  • Demagogue
  • Black Ops
  • Brood Leader
  • Crey Scientist
  • Web Weaver
  • Profiteer
  • Villainous
  • Marshal*
  • Headline Stealer*
  • Born in Battle*
  • High Pain Threshold*
  • Demonic*
  • Megalomaniac*
  • Force of Nature*
  • Invader*

* A note on Accolades: When they fully switch sides, characters will receive the corresponding accolade badge and power to any they already own.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters