Brute beginner need some advice on DB




Hi guys.

Firstly thanks for taking your time to read and put up with newbs like me.

I want to make a character with Dual Blades/Super Reflexes and Force Mastery as the ancillery power set.

My question is this; Should I make that toon a Brute or a scrapper?

My original idea was to make a brute since I don't have much experience with those, and thought I'd like to give it a go, but I've been reading around on Brutes Dual wielding blades, and it seems to me that everyone says that DB is alright for brute, but not as good as scrappers due to brutes fury system.

I read some ppl just play DB on brutes and pretty much ignore the combos which is something I do NOT want to do

So please if anyone has any advice. Should I go brute, or scrapper?



DB on either one can be amazing. brutes will slightly have higher survivability but scrappers are always a blast, especially with all the crits.

one thing to know ahead of time is which combos you want. at higher lvls i usually just have sweep and attack vitals. with enough recharge i can use the combos almost constantly and keep my attack chain flowing with no problems.

since you said you want to make good use of combos id recommend picking up either maneuvers/tactics or just focused accuracy

Stonefather - 50 Stone/WP/Soul brute
Sable Affliction - Earth/Dark/Fire Dom
Wild Cipher - Beast/Time MM



Ok thank you for your input Bliss. Doesnt sound like you have any problems combining chain attacks with the fury system, and thats what I heard some ppl complaining about in regards to using DB on brutes as opposed to classes who did not use fury.

Swipe and attack vitals are indeed the chains Ive heard everyone talking about. So thanks again. Think I will try out the brute



DB on brutes is fine. The only real difference is that Blinding Feint is somewhat less effective due to +dam buffs having less of an effect on Brutes. You generally end up with the standard scrapper vs brute difference, scrappers do slightly more damage and brutes are slightly more resilient. They play almost identically and are both extremely effective.



I run the Attack Vitals Combo on my DB/EA brute. ST for the boss, and Sweeping Strike + Vitals DoT for minnions. I also have 1k Cuts for some more AoE when I need it. And Blinding Feint when I am chaining Attack Vitals. DB doesn't like to chain combos for some reason. So you can either wait a second after using Attack Vitals, to use Ablating Strike, or use Blinding Feint. I also picked up taunt since I have no taunt aura.

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.



totally agree with taking the Sweep and Attack vitals combo. i have a db/wp with 40 s/l def and thats all i use is those 2 combos back to back. It works well for me.

Also no need for hasten, which is kinda nice, get rech over 50 and should be good.



I have a DB/WP Brute, Blinding Feint > Attack Vitals, is a standard attack chain, although I think there is a better one if you're a min/max kind of player. Personally, I think Dual Blades is geared more towards a Scrapper's style IMO. Dual Blades slotted for recharge, allows for quick strikes and lots of crits. After the changes to Fury I don't see much difference in damage anymore when using Blinding Feint, and post-Fury changes, I'm doing noticably less damage for where it was. Just about every Brute primary could do more damage before and after the Devs changed Fury without the need to use powers in a certain order for combos. I really liked Dual Blades before the changes to fury, now I like it less, thus I really don't use my DB Brute much these days.

I'd make it a Scrapper.



Originally Posted by Hippaforalkus View Post
Hi guys.

Firstly thanks for taking your time to read and put up with newbs like me.

I want to make a character with Dual Blades/Super Reflexes and Force Mastery as the ancillery power set.

My question is this; Should I make that toon a Brute or a scrapper?

My original idea was to make a brute since I don't have much experience with those, and thought I'd like to give it a go, but I've been reading around on Brutes Dual wielding blades, and it seems to me that everyone says that DB is alright for brute, but not as good as scrappers due to brutes fury system.

I read some ppl just play DB on brutes and pretty much ignore the combos which is something I do NOT want to do

So please if anyone has any advice. Should I go brute, or scrapper?

Do you want to play on teams or solo?

If you play on teams, do you want to take a large share of incoming aggro & damage while you run around and kill stuff o do you want to run around and kill stuff unfettered?