Question for GM slayers




I was thinking about something this morning and wanted some feedback on it. I really enjoy hunting GMs solo on my Ill/Rad. I have a personal rule of not popping inspirations during the fight or using temp pets. However, my wife ( a scrapper fanatic of all things...ugh) tried calling me out on using Geas of the Kind Ones during the fight. She also previously called me out on using the increased attack speed empowerment buff for hard targets like Lusca.
I guess my question to the AV/GM slaying troller community out there is, Do you think Geas and Empowerment buff counts as cheating? Im thinking maybe the empowerment buff might. But Geas? I mean it's one of my powers. Sure, its on a long recharge, but it doesnt go away magicly after 5 uses or whatever. Just wanted some feedback for the inevitable argument I will have with my wife over dinner when i get off work. (Gotta love marrying a gamer. )



If it is part of the game and not an exploit, then it is not cheating. If you choose to put artificial rules on yourself, then it is up to you whether you consider it "cheating" to break your own rules. There are no established "rules" for defeating an AV or GM other than "beat on it until it stops moving."

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Great point Local. Personally, I don't feel that I am breaking my own rules by using Geas of the Kind Ones since it's a permanent power of mine. Like that completely usesless cryo pistol.....shudder....
Sweet. Yeah. That's how I'm gonna stick to it. Cuz yer right. It's a personal limitation I place on myself to see if I can do it. And if my personal limitation is that I cant use any ability that isnt permanently a part of my character, and that makes me feel like I accomplished something, then great. Thats how I have fun and I shouldnt let my wife give me grief for it. (Tho I've learned that's pretty much her reason for living, is giving grief)

So what kind of personal limitations do the rest of you place on yourselves to ramp up the challenge?



The "standard", self-imposed limitations used by AV/GM soloers are: no temps, no insps, but also usually include no non-passive accolades as they sorta fall under the "temps" category. Empowerment buffs are definitely in the "temps" category as well, as are certainly Shivans and the like. Mostly scrappers use these restrictions for their soloing feats, but I used the same restrictions when I did my AV/GM/Pylon soloing back a couple of issues ago w/my controllers (mostly my Fire/Rad). I made an exception w/my Ice/Storm, because it's well nigh impossible to solo stuff w/o a self-heal of some sort--even at def cap, things, esp AV/GMs, will hit you some of the time, and not everyone has PA.

Ultimately, it's up to you to decide what restrictions you want to impose. Hell, some ppl will even go through ouro to get rid of passive accolade bonuses to really get rid of all non-core (+pool) powers, but I never went that far (mostly cuz it's a PitA to set up, but truth be told, I'm not sure if I could have an infinitely sustaining attack chain w/o the likes of the Atlas Medallion).

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



Originally Posted by dave_p View Post
Hell, some ppl will even go through ouro to get rid of passive accolade bonuses to really get rid of all non-core (+pool) powers, but I never went that far (mostly cuz it's a PitA to set up, but truth be told, I'm not sure if I could have an infinitely sustaining attack chain w/o the likes of the Atlas Medallion).
Wow. I hadnt thought of that as an additional challenge option! So, you would get an ouro arc. pop on the limitations, but then instead of doing the missions, go track down an GM and try it that way? I gotta try that at least once! I've been wondering if I could do it without my accolades. I mean, I know I dont need Geas, but without the atlas medallion and portal jockey and FP reserve in addition to no insp and temps? That'd be fun. My luck tho I'll run into one of the pansies like Eochai or the Kraken. But trying to take down Jack or Lusca while debuffed like that sounds like fun
Thanks for the suggestion!



Or just go to monster isle in PI. I always get annoyed w/those cuz they go running back to their friends after you went to the trouble of luring one away from the pack.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



Used to have a race with a buddy of mine with the monster island mobs. see who could drop their target the fastest. he was a fire/rad tho and I just couldnt dish the same damage.