Lastest Patch Messed Up Video
I had some graphics issues after the i19 update, though I was also seeing graphics issues in Windows itself with the _, [], X missing from windows unless I moused over that area. I endedup renaming my Piggs folder to force it to redownload all the files AND I removed (uninstall + driver sweeper) my Nvidia drivers, rebooted, then reinstalled them. This fixed both issues.
But still I fear and still I dare not laugh at the madman!
One man's "meh" is another man's "zomg". - Leatherneck
Procrastination meter coming soon.
I have found that if I do a defrag right after a patch/update (before even going into the game) it seems to do the trick. I use's free and lightning fast.
�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�
The game has been working fine until the latest patch was downloaded today. On logging on, I am losing textures and if I try and rotate the camera I get complete game lockup. If I try to enter a door or teleport cross zone, complete game lockup.
I have been using Nvidia drivers version 258.96 since the summer with no issues. Upgraded to the latest Nvidia drivers and no difference. Changing video options to lowest also did nothing to change the issue.
I was curious if anyone else has experienced similar issues with the latest patch.
Update: Thanks Bonehead and Healix. I ran a defragger and I forced a redownload of the Pigg files and that has seemed to do the trick.
Sir Zane (Lvl 50, Inv/SS/Nrg Tank);Atomic Jake (Lvl 50, Kin/Rad/Elec Defender)
Nikolai (Lvl 50, DM/EA/GW Brute);Raging Stallion (Lvl 50 MA/SR/Weap Scrapper)
Archmage Tristam (Lvl 50 Ill/Son/Psi Controller)