Real World Hero CC




This Saturday, I'd like to invite people to come to Galaxy City, on the Virtue Server, for a special Costume Contest to help promote Real World Hero. The fun will start at 4pm. Grand prize will be 100 mil, 75 mil for Second and 50 mil for Third. The theme is Most Heroic Costume. So please come out and show your support for this great charity. If you'd like to do more please check out We get to be heroes in this game, now its time to be a hero for someone else.
If you have questions or comments please feel free to contact me at @Ascalon1.



Sorry 4pm Est



Would have really really liked to have gone to this but alas its to early for me although I'm on EST 4pm is just to early I wont even be done work by then! Good luck to all.



I plan to attend. Real World Hero is a great cause.



Just a reminder the CC will be in Galaxy City in an Hour and a half. 4est. Most Heroic Theme.



And we have our winners! In 3rd place Cosmic Buster. In 2nd place Code Surtr and in First American Majesty.
A big thanks to Everyone who came out, and showed their support. Also to Trem for helping on the voting and American Legion to help broadcast and double the original Inf.