Kin/Sonic I19 build help




By any chance can someone help me out on a Kin/Sonic for the newer stuff in I19.

I went for my mace mastery but having a hard time trying to figure out all the powers I should take and the best IOs.

He will be primarily for TF teaming buffing/debuffing.

I tried searching for a build that would give me some good ideas but seems to be a shortage of Kin/son builds out there.

Thank you.



It really depends on what powers you know you want for sure. What you can do is download Mids and throw together an i19 build with what powers you know you want, generally what slots you want, and then post it here so we can use that as a starting point to give you advice.



is acrobatics worth it?



If someone who has knowledge of Kin/Sonic could please look this over and point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |



What kind of price range are you going for? You have a couple pvp enhancements in this, but considering how much they cost I don't think you want them. I can throw a build at you once I have an idea of how much you want it to cost.



I am done with the build but thanks anyhow.