iPhone Hero Builder




Hey forum.

Ever sit on the toilet at working thinking of the next hero thats going to change the world?
Well, I am...

As a 4.5 year vet and recently re-subscribed CoX fan, im quite surprised and annoyed on daily base, that there isn't an iPhone app for City of Heroes yet!
So i decided to to.. well.. make one myself!

Ive recently gotten into iPhone development an im willing to put some free time into making the following statement true; “there’s an app for that!”

But before I start and waste numerous, Id like to knew a few things..

1: Is there even enough interest in this?
2: What features would you like to see in the app?
3: iPhone, iPad, both?
4: What price should this app be in the appstore?

Let me know!
Im excited about this so the more replies i get the faster i start to work!



Android. More Android devices than iPhone devices at this point. In addition, Androids core is Java, which can be made to work on the iPhone.

In short, it's easier to develop an app for Android then port it to iPhone, than vice-versa.



I think you'll have a problem with screen real estate. Mids is huge and busy, and not because it's poorly designed.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



For some reason, the post on which asked not to reply on with the same subject as this, is getting a lot more activity... Odd


Anyway, as i have stated on there; I'm not really a hardcore developer that can do multiple coding languages. I'm a interactive and interface designer that got into iPhone development as a bet to a coworker. So at this point,i will only be able to write this in iPhone code as that is the only script language I know. So that answers both the first as second comment I guess; as an interface designer, I'll make the small screen interface work.

Now ive got a new question; is creating a forum export or even a mids build export something you would highly enjoy?