Returning from long hiatus...need some help.
Yes,you have to do a free respec (/respec) for it to become inherent.
Also, will help with some questions.
So many things for 3 years, and really too much to go into the new thing with I19 is the Incarnate levels.Someone else can answer those questions cuz I'm still learning myself.
Welcome back and good luck!
Howdy all. Been a while for me (almost 3 years) and I have come back to enjoy this fine game and community.
Upon coming back, I know that much has changed. Can anyone give me a "you have to do this NOW" sort of list for a returning player, or direct me to this info if already available? |
- Issue 12:
Cimerora and the Midnighter's Club
Soldiers of Arachnos Villain Epic AT
Changes to the Hollows
- Issue 13:
The Day Jobs system
The Merit Rewards system
Supergroup base Repricing
- Issue 14:
The Mission Architect !
- Issue 15:
Nothing much, apart from 2 new TFs and the return of the 5th Column !..
- Issue 17:
Re-vamp of the Positron Task Force
- Issue 18:
Released to coincide with Going Rogue, it introduces the Alignment system. Even if you don't have GR, all those "Tips" missions means brand-new content.
If you have questions while in-game, you can always join the Mentor Project's "N P C" global channel (shameless plug, see my sig), we'll be happy to lend a hand.
Keep NCSoft from shutting down City of Heroes :
Thanks for the tips and help so far. I will have to look into this later to see what all is there.
Looks like I have to respec, but it's been so long I will have to research the builds I have to see what to do. Whew....lots to learn and re-learn.
Heck, it took me 30 minutes to get to where i could move and talk in game last night again. Heh.
Big question, is the new expansion worth buying, or is it mostly upper lvl player stuff?
Thanks again.
Yeah, I saw that but was just too busy and didn't pull the trigger on a re-sub until last night. Been bouncing around the MMO world for a few years, and still haven't found anywhere as fun as COH. Decided that I missed my old toons and the world, so here i am. Now if I can only figure all this new crap out. Looks like I will need new build templates for my two highest lvl toons (not very high lvl, 32 and 34 I think....alt-itis is strong in this one)
Oh well.
Honestly figure i will roll a new toon and try to get a feel for the whole game again. Just too rusty to rush back into mid-high lvl content.
Do you like the idea of doing battle with a gun in each hand?
Do you like the idea of calling forth demons from the burning pits to savage your enemies?
Do you like the idea of godlike power?
If you've answered yes to any of these questions, then Going Rogue will be worth it to you.
Welcome back to the city!

Welcome back AlbinoBull.
As Arch previously mentioned, you can use the N P C channel if only to find people to assist you on whatever server you're currently on.
█ Players Guide to the Cities
I actually would love to get the Bull (my Brute) over to hero side for some mayhem.
He is quite handsome.
Howdy all. Been a while for me (almost 3 years) and I have come back to enjoy this fine game and community.
Upon coming back, I know that much has changed. Can anyone give me a "you have to do this NOW" sort of list for a returning player, or direct me to this info if already available?
My main is an inv/ss tanker and a regen/claws scrapper.
Biggest question I have is regarding the fitness pool. My low level alts that did not have any of these powers picked now have the inherent fitness pool.
All of my toons that already had the fitness pool picked seem to have it as a power set, not inherent. Do I need to respec to change this issue, or is there something I am missing?
It's great to be back.