Who did the Amusement Park?




A while back someone had created a "Funland" amuzement park in their base. I had taken a lot of screens of it and I have since lost them to a virus.

Anyone know where I can get the pics of them?



I recall seeing something like that when (I think it was) WarBase took me on a tour of one of his bases on Virtue.

Also has neat touches like a medbay in the back of an ambulance and a wheelchair. Amazing stuff.

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I suspected it was on Virute but I wasn't sure. I should have stored the screens on my website space. Darn it.



It was @WarBase's Amusement Park Called "Funland".
The SG Base was on the Infinity Server.

@Dark Bladed - Infinity Server
I do.....just about everything, main is a DB/Regen Scrapper



Thank you. WarBase took me on a tour of a few of his bases hence me getting the wrong server.

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No Problem, me and him talk alot when hes on, and being a fellow base builder i like to see others work, and his work is the best ive seen imo.

@Dark Bladed - Infinity Server
I do.....just about everything, main is a DB/Regen Scrapper