Level of zones to find teams

Call Me Awesome



So I have a level 32 Character, and I'm not sure where to go to find a team. Talos is till 30, but after that? Tried Brickstown, but could not find a team at all. I am a Vigilante, so I could head to villian side, but I don't know where to find a team there either, hehe.
Actually if someone could post the more popular zones for level ranges all the way to 50 that'd be awesome.



Go to the Forum for your server (it's below this one a bit) - and check the list of global channels there.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
Go to the Forum for your server (it's below this one a bit) - and check the list of global channels there.
Indeed, this is by far the best way to get teams. Join the popular channels for your server and ask in them for a team. Also, be sure to set your "looking for team" flag to looking for any.

All the servers I'm active on primarily recruit for TF's and other content via the global channels. As an example, Guardian server has several active channels, the "Guardian" channel is the general purpose teaming and chat channel, there's "Guardian TF's" which is also populated, "Guardian's Team" is another. Then there's "Level 50" which is an invite-only channel for players with a level 50 character. Of the bunch "Guardian" and "Level 50" tend to be the busiest.

Other servers will have other channels, just ask in the forum for your server which global channels are most active. We seldom bite and most of us are glad to help out newer players.

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If you want to do it manually:

- right click the center of a chat window
- choose "Channel Search" from the pop up menu
- type in a search pattern based on your server's name (example: 'inf' for Infinity)
- after you get the result, click the column header to sort
- join 2-4 of the most populated channels
- monitor them for a week or two to see which agrees with you

Note: while these are public channels, most will default you to being in "silenced" mode when you first join. This practice was due to the RMT Spammers in the past. So:

- open your Friends window
- click the drop down menu and choose the global channel you just joined
- you'll noticed that you'll have a white square icon next to your global name, that means you're in "silenced" mode
- look for someone with a star icon next to their name, that's a channel moderator (another player). If you don't see one, you may need to wait until later in the day when people get out of school or work in whatever time zone they're in.
- right click the moderator's name and send him a tell to unsilence you when he/she gets a chance

Since you've just joined several global channels and maybe additional ones from different servers that you're on, you may want to organize them in the extra chat windows (the 1 2 3 4).

- click on one of the extra chat windows (ie: 1 2 3 4)
- click the "Add Tab" button. If there isn't one, then right click the center of the chat window and choose "Add Tab" from the menu.
- move over the channels you want for this Tab

Note: you can add several Tabs per chat window.

Note: you can split the chat window into upper and lower views. Right click ON the Chat Tab and choose "Move to Top/Bottom".

If you have multiple global channels in one Chat Tab, you can change the colors for each of the channels. It will do this by default, but the shades of pale green may not be distinctive enough for you. So:

- Left click the name of the global channel in your chat window
(most channels will have a MOTD (message of the day) greeting when you first log in)
- choose "Set Color"

Note: if you want to save your channels and colors to use for your other characters:

- go to Menu-->Options-->General-->(scroll to the bottom)-->Chat Setting File
- click the "Save to Default File" button
- log in another character and do the above to get into the Options
- click the "Load from Default File" button

Note: you can change which channel you want to send to by Left clicking the channel name at the chat input line and choosing the channel from the pop up menu.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Also, for a direct answer, look here for zone level ranges. (And bookmark the wiki. Good resource to go to.)

Heroside, you've got:
Second half of Croatoa (25-35)
Brickstown (30-39)
Founders Falls (same)

Rikti War Zone (35-50)
Cimerora (requires finishing the Midnighter arc, which you should have gotten earlier - if not, talk to Montague Castnella)



To give a bit more direct advice, since you're monitoring broadcast it seems. Bricks and Founders and usually dead on all servers. Heroside the best place to find a group is going to be Talos or PI and have people sidekick or exemplar as needed.

Since the blueside arcs take you all over the place anyway, it shouldn't be an issue.

Really, the only zones where you can get teams easily with broadcast are atlas, steel, talos, and PI. All the rest you need to use the channels as given in posts above, the looking for team tools or both.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
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