Keymapping not working
Yes, I did yesterday. Glad I had saved my settings. I have a Logitech G11 keyboard and an extra eighteen G-keys for macros/actions. Yesterday, I couldn't zoom in and out anymore with my mouse, and my G-keys didn't do a thing. Today when I logged on, all was well. I think it was a strange glitch. As a side note, this happened after I put my puter in standby...don't usually do that.
Hope your settings go back to normal, as mine did. Wish I could help more than that. You might want to 'verify files' after a reboot, before going into the game.

The last time I ran into a situation like this on one of my secondary accounts, I was given some advice that I have since passed on quite a few times. It seems to work, so hopefully it will help you too...
/bindsavefile filenamehere
Log off to desktop (close client completely)
Wait 15-20 minutes (to ensure the character is fully reset serverside, and not still "in memory")
Log back in
/bindloadfile filenamehere
Log off to desktop (close client completely)
Wait 15-20 minutes (to ensure the character is fully saved serverside)
Hopefully that will force a serverside reset of the correct binds.
What I think happens is that when you log on, the serverside copy of the binds are sent to the client and used from client memory. Even if you change binds, they might not be actually saved serverside until you log off or rezone. There appears to be an issue when you use the option window too many times to make changes. I believe the list isn't managed correctly when re-editing every entry instead of only the ones you have made changes to and possibly gets corrupted over time, causing it to reset each time it attempts to save or reload.
It's just a theory of course, but following the above steps seems to ensure the slate is wiped clean and a fresh copy of your binds is saved. I further recommend that people learn how binds work and program them manually instead of using the interface for it. It seems to lessen the problems.
I hope that method works for you. You may be able to log into another character/account during the 15-20 minute waiting periods (or skip the waiting entirely), but try to do it on a fresh client each time to be on the safe side. If that doesn't work, try doing something else during the waiting time instead. It stinks, but if it works, it's worth a shot. Beyond that, I've got nothing. Good Luck!
thanks for such a detailed response. I figured it had something to do with the changes not making it to the client, but MAN, this has been going on for a week and I never remember having this kind of problem before. I will give this a shot next time I play.
Kind of a moot issue at this point as I was trying to bind Practiced Brawler to the 5 key. Happy accident though, found out that with one recharge IO can have PB on perma, so I just set it up to autocast PB. Freed up 2 slots that I can now throw into 6 slotting Shield Wall and Luck of the Gambler on my toggles!
I have been previously able to make changes under the keymapping tab, however, for some reason it will no longer save the changes I make. It will reset whenever I enter a mission, leave a mission, change zones, or log out. I have tried applying my changes, doing a normal log out, as well as, applying changes and doing the quick log out.
Has anyone else been having this problem or know a solution?