Duo Advice with an Ill/Rad




Looks like he's deciding on a different character to go with in the end. The Ill/Cold character he brought up, no less. =P

Hopefully someone else will find the replies for Ill/Rad useful.



Extra awesomeness?
rad/sonic defender
Maybe Fire OR plant / kin OR rad troller
Just about ANY tank
I probably would pick a defender to overlap and add blasts.
Even a kin defender with your choice of cool secondary. I wouldnt pair a blaster or scrapper unless they were heavily AoE oriented. (like fire, spines and such)
but 2 trollers would be great...and any combination of the 2 I mentioned would be great.



A Blaster or Dom would work great will a Ill/rad, especially one with some good AOE's. You would have pa to take the alpha, spooky to lock mobs up, debuffs to help out, Inviability to help to get close for your attacks and a heal to ease the pain away.

Freedom Server - Main = Lil Bug & way too many alts to list