Trading - Lvl 10 GladAProc for Lvl 10 ShieldWProc
I empathize with you! I did kind of the same thing, although not on such a large monetary scale as a pvp io blunder. heh. I bid on recipes and salvage, then crafted an entire IO set that I couldn't slot. lol.
Are you aware that PVP IOs retain their bonus at all levels, just like Purples do? That means that the only reason to have a level 10 version is if you want to slot it earlier in the character's life.
Correct - I'm dismantling a retiring PvP toon. What I'd like to do is setup a lowbie with some of the major procs and then run it as my new main for the next couple months (lvl 9 now). Excited to see how it feels with some nice early power ups.
Over the hills and through the woods.
Im still looking for that lvl 10 Shield Wall proc if anyone can make one for me. Let me know what you'd want for it.
Over the hills and through the woods.
Turned in my A merits on a Glad Armor Lvl 10 Proc. Turns out I actually needed the Shield Wall Proc instead (lvl 10 preferred). If anyone has the merits to turn in on a Lvl 10 Shield Wall Proc, I'll gladly trade you my lvl 10 Glad Armor Proc, and say 200 million inf for the effort. Plus you do end up with the higher value proc and that extra 200 mill
Send me a PM if you'd be willing.
Also I'll have a level 50 Glad Armor proc and a level 50 Shield Wall proc which will be available after the respec. I will just toss them on the market - but if anyone wants to make me an offer for them - feel free.
Over the hills and through the woods.