japanese robot pop star




Sorry, the point I was trying to make was I admire the fact they started with the dimensions of a women first and then try to fit the tech into that frame. There are a lot of robot designs at universities in the US and Japan for the various aspects of an android, from balancing to realistic hands to creepy faces that try to show expressions. But they are all simply pieces to a puzzle. I'm not even talking about the software/AI side of the equation.

Here they took what they learned from their previous HRP models and sticking with their size and weight restrictions build the best android/gynoid they could. Two years ago all it could move was it's head. A year ago it could shuffle a bit. This video showed a greater range of motion in it's limbs, so things are progressing.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Sorry, the point I was trying to make was I admire the fact they started with the dimensions of a women first and then try to fit the tech into that frame. There are a lot of robot designs at universities in the US and Japan for the various aspects of an android, from balancing to realistic hands to creepy faces that try to show expressions. But they are all simply pieces to a puzzle. I'm not even talking about the software/AI side of the equation.

Here they took what they learned from their previous HRP models and sticking with their size and weight restrictions build the best android/gynoid they could. Two years ago all it could move was it's head. A year ago it could shuffle a bit. This video showed a greater range of motion in it's limbs, so things are progressing.
Yep the experimental "puzzle pieces" you mentioned are often bigger and/or appear unrealistic compared to biologically correct body proportions. But clearly the goal is to scale the hardware down to work well within typical human shapes and sizes and they are getting impressively close to that already.

I'll bet they could make an android/gynoid today that would move and appear very realistic as long as you were willing to let it be scaled up to like 10 feet tall. The current state of technology requires that much body volume to pack in all the required hardware, batteries and whatnot. Given enough time they'll be able to miniaturize those components down to petite Japanese J-pop singer sized without having to compromise anything.

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Exactly. But the problem with a scaled up model is the square-cubed rule also applies to power required and a self contained power unit that would be required, other than a gas powered generator like in Big Dog, when it's not tethered, isn't really elegant.

Things we could build with a miniature arc reactor.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Originally Posted by LegionAlpha View Post

So close to a Blade Runner future. First comes the singing, then...Giggty

That or the Robot Apocalypse.
R..i..g..h..t..... - So sometime before indistinguishable pleasurebots™ a'la the movie 'AI' then.

Besides, you could tell which one of them was a robo.... err, i mean 'synthetic person' - because she had forgot her trousers and was moving in a constipated manner.
I thought the background dancing bots were bloody good though !, amazing what they can do nowadays.