Citadel TF - Saturday, Oct. 30 at 1 PM Eastern time
Please sign me up with Ana Maximoff, lvl 42 plant/rad troller.
I'm in with Dr Dolomite, level 31 stone/stone tank.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Count me in with my Scrapper, Black Tights. See you on Saturday.
I'll be there with Paring Knife. Thanks!
Virtue - Kalikamata, Dark Indigo, Dharma Moon, Hogo Sochi, Julienne, Nordic Witch, Hot Compress, Kahlen, Sphere of Water, Miss Purrfect, Make Believe, Major Asset, Terra Donna, Kalicious, Fortunata Indigo, Tight Squeeze, Kalika Mata, Mistress Berdine, Guy Buttersnaps
Infinity - Paring Knife, Elphaba Storm, Bien Cuit, Sardonic Widow
Infinite Comedy (Nin/Dark MM) wants to join. If I am late, then don't bother waiting.
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
Please sign up Angelica Venger for this tf.
Every day I wake up is a good day.

I'll be joining you this weekend, not sure yet which toon I'm bringing. I'd like to bring my fire/fire tank, Ashe Kicker, but not if that means we'll have too many tanks. And I want to play with bunny! :-)
Too many tanks? Vandal is a punk. We could have 8 tanks and beat him like a rented mule.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
please sign me up. Not sure which toon I will bring
Founder of Life and Death Brigade
Infinity and Exalted
"Doc has a sexy voice" - L'amara
I'll join with Turbolt (29 Elec/SR scrapper).
"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy
Two to sign up.....
I'll be brining Chrolophyll Jester (Level 28 Plant/Rad Controller)
and my buddy Iguana (account name) will be bringing Addition (level 28sh Fire/Dark Corruptor)
See you at 1!
One last minute addition, SG buddy (account name Lady of Night) will bring Market Crash ... 27ish Stalker. See you all in a bit
Join me Paragon City's neverending battle against the Council. Level range is 25-30. Need 6 to start.
Team One
1. Taxibot Icy (team leader)
2. Ana Maximoff
3. Dr Dolomite
4. Black Tights
5. Paring Knife
6. Infinite Comedy
7. Angelica Venger
8. Mystery Inc
Team Two
1. Doctor A Science - ttba
2. Turbolt
3. Chorophyll Jester
4. Jester