New to warshades, and loving it!




Dear Community;

I made my first warshade a few days ago and i have to say it's a blast! Literaly! What convinced me to do it was the guide (that wasn't in the guide section?!) The MFing WARSHADE!, not only was the tongue in cheek humor entertaining yet it was very informative. It wasn't like a lot of guides, there was no sample build, no do this and prosper, none of that. It broke down the key powers, and better yet the 'era' of your life, Pre nove, pre dwarf, pre 35, POST 35. It showed the highlights and gave some advice that I didn't even consider.

The policy of no attacks/shields was confusing at first till I realized how right he was. You aren't playing "human form, or nova, or dwarf." those are just brief moments in your day, your playing a warshade, USE IT LIKE ONE!

The grab bag of toys you get, and simply jaw dropping insanity you could pull of is nuts. I have just gotten my pets and I'm 1 level from eclipse, this is a blast!

It's a roller coaster ride that I have not had on many of my hero's, or villains! The closest thing to this level of awesome would be my shield/fire tank that knows no equal in combat atm!

The reasion I'm writing this isn't just to say "Hey look I'm here now too." it's to allso thank, Dechs Kaison!

Thanks to you I'm having the time of my life.

For those of you wanting to try something new, or even suffer from alt-idus. let your next alt be a Warshade, not just any warshade. A MFing WARSHADE!

The MFing Warshade

Luna Sparrow



*Sigh* Come faster I19!

I currently really want to play a MFing Warshade, but can't as my Warshade needs a respec that I don't have on this character and can't afford (To make things worse all my other characters still have unused I18 and earlier respecs...)



I too started a WS after reading the MFing WS guide. I've tried a bunch of times to level a WS but it's quite literally the slowest most unpleasant of any AT to level in my experience.

They are weak weak weak until the 22s or so. I just can't stick with one long enough to get to where they don't completely suck. I don't like playing blasters, and being one until 20 or later is lame for me.

I have a 24 WS on one server or another, parked.

I've seen high level ones do some amazing stuff on teams, I'd love to try one after lvl 32 or so, but getting there is anything but fun in my experience.



OP, totally in agreement with you.

Found the MFing Warshade guide yesterday. Having never played a Kheldian, it was as good a reason as any to try one - and IT'S MFing AWESOME!

Love this so far. Thanks Dechs, for the excellent jumpstart to a Warsahde. Does this philosophy really not work with Peacebringers?



The PB is a more contained creature, as my friend put it yesterday after seeing me "build up, corpse explode, and spawn an angry ball of fluff", he further went to call me an "Alien Vampire".

At least I don't sparkle in the sunlight, I just kinda look purple.

With what I understand of the PB,(limited at best.) They have an inner strength that they rely on. The WS feeds off of death and enemy making us more of a parasitical nature. 6 foes for 85% resistance to everything, 10 foes for over 100%+ damage modifier, and 4 dead bodies to refill both green and blue bars to full. That is all a WS needs with a bit of slotting to do.

A PB has a self contained heal, and a dull pain I think. There "pet" equivalent is seeker drones (a clone of them anyways) and I don't think there rez requires enemys to use.



Most excellent; thank you for breakdown.