Elec/SD or Elec/Elec?




Okay, I have a 50 SS/SD Brute. SD is okay I guess, great damage etc. Recently rolled an Elec/SD scrapper and just wondering if I am missing something with Electric Armor. Is it a better defence set for Electric Melee without sacrificing too much damage from dropping SD?

Virtue and Freedom
Hi, my name is Northman, and I am an Altoholic. No wait, I'm Lost Nova, no wait, Arc Havoc, no, Dragon Moon, no, Lord Fury......



I'd highly recommmend SD. You can cap defences without too much effort which gives a lot better survivability than resistances with a heal. SD also gives you a few incidental benefits (extra HP, small resistances, damage debuff on nearby enemies) but the defence is what makes it so good. With good slotting you can approach 95% DDR too.

There is very little synergy between Electric Melee and Electric Armour. Sadly the sapping ability of Electric Armour isn't enough to bring them to 0 and there's no -recovery powers. The slight sapping in Electric Melee might be helpful but I doubt it's enough to get past the advantage of all that defence.