Consume and Accuracy




I was having trouble finding solid information on this by searching the forum so I figured I'd ask.

I notice that Consume in the Fiery Aura secondary takes accuracy enhancements. Is this one of those situations where the accuracy check is only for PVP, or is it also a PVE thing? Is it worth slotting accuracy for a PVE-only toon?



Originally Posted by imported_Omniverse View Post
I was having trouble finding solid information on this by searching the forum so I figured I'd ask.

I notice that Consume in the Fiery Aura secondary takes accuracy enhancements. Is this one of those situations where the accuracy check is only for PVP, or is it also a PVE thing? Is it worth slotting accuracy for a PVE-only toon?
It requires a ToHit in PvE, so deffo slot for Accuracy. How many is up to you really. If you tend to fight lots of enemies at once or team a lot you can get away with less Accuracy because it's got an excellent area of effect. Say 33% or the equivelent.

If you're soloing fewer tough enemies (not sure why a Fire Armour would want to do that mind) you're better off with more as missing with it is a right pain.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
It requires a ToHit in PvE, so deffo slot for Accuracy. How many is up to you really. If you tend to fight lots of enemies at once or team a lot you can get away with less Accuracy because it's got an excellent area of effect. Say 33% or the equivelent.

If you're soloing fewer tough enemies (not sure why a Fire Armour would want to do that mind) you're better off with more as missing with it is a right pain.
I run level 40 acc/endmod/rech and endmod/rech from both Perf Shifter and err, the other decent end mod set whose name eludes me at the moment.

works pretty decent.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
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