Looking for a solo survivable scrapper...
There are no lemon scrappers.
The most survivable scrapper depends on the enemies you plan on fighting.
When it comes to slotting with nothing but SOs, all of the scrapper combos are pretty dang well balanced across the board.
So... all things being equal: dark melee/invulnerable IOed to the gills.
Edited for brainfart.
Be well, people of CoH.

As Bill said, there really are no lemons in the world of scrappers. Some are better against certain enemies than others, but they're all pretty nicely balanced out of the box.
After that, it's all a matter of special effects, personal preferences, and what you'd like to do with your scrapper: single target carnage, AoE mayhem, or a combination of the two. That will generally determine your scrapper primary, but some secondaries compliment certain primaries particularly well -- AoE scrappers would benefit from a taunt aura like the ones Invincibility, Shield Defense or Willpower provide, for instance.
What exactly do you plan on doing with your scrapper when soloing, and/or do you see ANY teaming in that character's future at all? Small groups, big groups, some of each?
"But it wasn't anything some purples and oranges and lots of screaming in fear couldn't handle." -- Werner
30 level 50's: 12 scrappers, 7 other random melee types, 11 blaster/blapper/support squishies, two accounts, and a TON of altitis since 4/28/04
I'm a big fan of Claws/Wp. Pretty much easy mode 1-50.
But as folks have said, nearly all combinations of scrappers work great.
While I like my Claws/WP, I'm always ambivalent about using Shockwave and knocking enemies back out of Rise to the Challenge's 8' radius.
I stop taking damage for a few seconds while they get up and charge back, but I'm not getting as much of a regen bonus from RttC during that time.
If I just knock the bad guys down with my DB's Sweep, or knock them up and down with my Katana or Broadsword's "heavy hitters" I stop taking incoming damage AND I get to keep the higher regen bonus, and I'm suspecting that Dragon's Tail's knockdown will work the same way when I take it with my MA/WP.
I agree that it was "easy mode" from 1-50, but now IO'd at 50 I can't achieve the same level of "wow, did you see THAT?!" that I can with some of my other toons -- then again, part of that might be because I don't quite play the Claws/WP as much. It's a personal preference, but I think Claws might synergize better with other secondaries. <shrug>
"But it wasn't anything some purples and oranges and lots of screaming in fear couldn't handle." -- Werner
30 level 50's: 12 scrappers, 7 other random melee types, 11 blaster/blapper/support squishies, two accounts, and a TON of altitis since 4/28/04
Willpower is a good set for beginners. You don't have to worry about endurance dropping due to toggles, it has plenty of regeneration, and it comes with some resistance and defense. It works well without high-end IO sets. However, it doesn't have as much potential as other sets given an unlimited Inf to invest in it.
Most of the other sets don't feel as tough as they should be until you start adding defense through IO set bonuses. None of the other sets include defense, resistance, regeneration, and endurance recovery. That's why Willpower is attractive for players who don't want to invest a lot of time or Inf. It has a little bit of everything to give you the best chance to survive in most situations.
If you want to use a different set, ask for advice on exactly what you are looking for.
Katana or Broadsword with willpower is extremely resilient without a lot of money spent on IOs.
DM/SD is also a beast. The -acc from its attacks meshes well with the +def from the secondary, at 35 Shield Charge beefs up AOE (Soul Drain + SC + maxed out AAO = happy fun times), and DM gives SD a heal, which it is sorely in need of.
For primaries, I like Dark for its to-hit debuffs, Dual Blades for knockdown mitigation, and Elec for mitigation through AOE damage (kill faster and you take less damage). Dark is better for solo opponents, Elec and DB are better in crowds.
Secondary, as mentioned above, depends on what you plan on facing and how much you want to spend. Elec and Fire are probably the weakest for survivability. Regen is great in PVP, not so good in PVE, but with enough global recharge (read: "billions of inf"), it can be excellent all around. Defense-heavy sets are probably the best bet, just because they are easy to softcap and not being hit trumps being able to take a hit.
For a sneaky good secondary, look at Dark. Dark isn't defense-heavy, but it has great mitigation and a very nice self-heal. It also has a little extra defense that you can build on with IOs.
Willpower is a good set for beginners. You don't have to worry about endurance dropping due to toggles, it has plenty of regeneration, and it comes with some resistance and defense. It works well without high-end IO sets. However, it doesn't have as much potential as other sets given an unlimited Inf to invest in it.
L50s: Tanks: Cryofission - Ice/EM - Dr Celsius - Fire/Ice - Saint George - SD/SS | Controllers: Psichosis - Ill/Kin - Major Chaos - Ill/Stm | Scrappers - Neutron Crusader - DM/SR
Currently Levelling: Angelic Blade - BS/WP Scrapper | Seeds of Destruction - Plant/Kin Controller
Katana or Broadsword with willpower is extremely resilient without a lot of money spent on IOs.
Willpower is a good set for beginners. You don't have to worry about endurance dropping due to toggles, it has plenty of regeneration, and it comes with some resistance and defense. It works well without high-end IO sets.
That's why Willpower is attractive for players who don't want to invest a lot of time or Inf. It has a little bit of everything to give you the best chance to survive in most situations. |
However, it doesn't have as much potential as other sets given an unlimited Inf to invest in it.
Now, if you want the seriously awesome, completely over-the-top potential that you read about here in the scrapper forum -- the stuff that I think should come with a disclaimer* like soloing pylons -- I'll agree with Syntax42. I feel that Willpower's already built for durability, like some truck motors, and thus lacks the routinely ultra-high rev speed of Super Reflexes' Quickness or the nitrous oxide boost of Shield's Against All Odds.

*Seriously, sometimes I think we need a disclaimer here on the scrapper forums, more so than other forums.
"These stunts were performed by a heavily played, highly experienced scrapper with an essentially unlimited budget. New players should not attempt this in your first __ months of playing CoX. You should not attempt these stunts with a budget of less than __ billion INF. Your mileage will of course vary, and will most likely include multiple faceplants en route to -- hopefully -- success."
tl;dr: Mostly "yeah, what they said." Poster feels that Willpower is still very workable for late-game, high level PvE hijinks at increased difficulty with IO's, but IS NOT as suitable for THE highest tier scrapper insanity such as soloing pylons or soloing multiple AV's as other secondaries are.
"But it wasn't anything some purples and oranges and lots of screaming in fear couldn't handle." -- Werner
30 level 50's: 12 scrappers, 7 other random melee types, 11 blaster/blapper/support squishies, two accounts, and a TON of altitis since 4/28/04
Roll a dice or use a random number generator to choose the sets. You can't go wrong.
- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom
My Katana/Inv Guide
Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein
"These stunts were performed by a heavily played, highly experienced scrapper with an essentially unlimited budget. New players should not attempt this in your first __ months of playing CoX. You should not attempt these stunts with a budget of less than __ billion INF. Your mileage will of course vary, and will most likely include multiple faceplants en route to -- hopefully -- success."
But then, some people are just awesome out of the box. Wasn't Nihilii destroying AVs within a few months of starting playing or something? And that was in the early days when very few Scrappers were doing it. Mind you, very few overall are doing it today, but I think it's pretty common for the forum regulars at this point.
Willpower actually does crazy stunts just fine. Iggy Kamakaze did a master of ITF solo with his Katana/Willpower - no temps, no insps, no deaths, no kidding. He also soloed a pylon while surrounded by a double RWZ challenge spawn, and then finished off the rest of the Rikti. IO'd to the gills, Willpower can do Stupid Scrapper Tricks as good as anything, at least the survivability tricks. With no damage boost, it won't do the damage tricks.
And so that I'm at least slightly on topic, there are a ton of Scrappers that can be VERY solid solo. But I'm hopping on the bandwagon:
Do eeeeeet!
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks
Willpower actually does crazy stunts just fine. Iggy Kamakaze did a master of ITF solo with his Katana/Willpower - no temps, no insps, no deaths, no kidding. He also soloed a pylon while surrounded by a double RWZ challenge spawn, and then finished off the rest of the Rikti. IO'd to the gills, Willpower can do Stupid Scrapper Tricks as good as anything, at least the survivability tricks. With no damage boost, it won't do the damage tricks.
And so that I'm at least slightly on topic, there are a ton of Scrappers that can be VERY solid solo. But I'm hopping on the bandwagon: Katana/Willpower Do eeeeeet! |
L50s: Tanks: Cryofission - Ice/EM - Dr Celsius - Fire/Ice - Saint George - SD/SS | Controllers: Psichosis - Ill/Kin - Major Chaos - Ill/Stm | Scrappers - Neutron Crusader - DM/SR
Currently Levelling: Angelic Blade - BS/WP Scrapper | Seeds of Destruction - Plant/Kin Controller
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks
Well, someone wrote a response about recharge levels, and I missed who, and now it's gone, or maybe I'm just crazy. But I prepared a response, and it might be informative, so I might as well post it. It will also illustrate some differences, and how they don't add up to much of a difference.
I mostly care about top end L50 builds, so I could be off for lower recharge levels and earlier attack chains. I DO have an attack chain library, so let's at least see what we have for what I consider the good end game attack chains of both sets. Mids' average damage, no enhancements, Aracanatime taken into account.
Rech DPS Parries Primary Chain 250% 75 0 Katana GD>GC>SD>GC 293% 72 0 BS HS>Hack>Disembowel 305% 72 0 BS HS>Hack>Disembowel>Hack 163% 67 1 Katana DA>GC>SD>GC>GD>GC>SD>GC 103% 66 1 Katana DA>GC>GD>GC>SD>GC 219% 66 1 BS Parry>Hack>HS>Hack>Disembowel 90% 61 2 Katana DA>GC>GD>GC>DA>GC>SD>GC 108% 60 2 BS Parry>HS>Parry>Disembowel>Hack
Also, since these ignore slotting, they ignore the Achilles' Heel proc. Notice how every Katana chain uses Gambler's Cut every other attack? That makes it an ideal spot for the Achilles' Heel proc, and since the Katana attacks are faster, you'll get more chances for it to fire in a given period of time, and so it will raise the DPS more than it would on Broad Sword. Broad Sword doesn't have a nice spammy attack like this, and its attacks are longer, so is harder to slot with the proc, and it won't benefit as much. Also worth mentioning is that in practice, the Head Splitter -> Hack -> Disembowel -> Hack chain is usually considered superior to the Head Splitter -> Hack -> Disembowel chain even with a gap at lower recharge because it can take better advantage of procs slotted in Hack, generally a purple and an Achilles' Heel. It's one of the few Scrapper chains that you would intentionally run with a gap instead of choosing a tighter chain.
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks
So if I'm understanding this, everyone is saying that primary is up to me, everything rocks, but WP seems to be the most newbie (survivable) secondary?
Kinda thinking about a MA or Katana. Does one of these do significantly more damage than the other?
Well, it USED to be Katana, though pretty much just because of how it could take advantage of procs. Then they buffed Martial Arts, and in particular Eagle's Claw got interesting. Now I'm not certain which would be better because I haven't poked into what the new set can do.
I'm guessing that neither does significantly more than the other at this point. Katana would probably be more survivable while leveling due to Divine Avalanche. But I'm doing OK with Martial Arts/Fire, and Martial Arts/Willpower should be significantly more survivable than that. It'd be fine if that's your preference.
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks
tl;dr: Mostly "yeah, what they said." Poster feels that Willpower is still very workable for late-game, high level PvE hijinks at increased difficulty with IO's, but IS NOT as suitable for THE highest tier scrapper insanity such as soloing pylons or soloing multiple AV's as other secondaries are.
So if I'm understanding this, everyone is saying that primary is up to me, everything rocks, but WP seems to be the most newbie (survivable) secondary?
Kinda thinking about a MA or Katana. Does one of these do significantly more damage than the other? |
To me, the only scrapper primary sets that stand out are Dark Melee and Dual Blades. Dark Melee is the only one with a heal in it. As a Willpower character, you probably won't need the heal, though. Dual Blades has a combo system that is used for generating extra special effects or damage, but the set is generally regarded as less capable of doing single target damage than other sets. In exchange, it has more AoE potential than anything but an Electric/Shield scrapper. Spines probably comes close, though.
Pick whatever you think looks neat or fits the hero/villain role you like. A scrapper's job is to do damage to the toughest target they can find. Any combination of primary and secondary can perform well, though some outshine others in very specific situations which usually involve very skilled players and extremely expensive builds.
I don't find that the sets work almost exactly the same. For example, build up. Yes, all sets have some version of it, but it comes in different flavors that play differently. There's your traditional build up, which is a click power that gives you 10 seconds of awesome. There's a follow up type build up, which is an attack that you use in your attack string that buffs subsequent attacks for 10 seconds. And there's Dark Melee's Soul Drain, which is a PBAoE attack that does a little damage and buffs your attacks for every target hit for the next 30 seconds.
I don't think the main thing of interest about Katana and Broad Sword are the defense debuffs, but rather the defense buffs in the form of Divine Avalanche and Parry. They're HUGE, at least on a low to medium defense secondary, and still good on a high defense secondary to help with leveling up.
I wasn't aware that Dual Blades is generally regarded as less capable of doing single target damage than other sets. I guess people need to be made aware that it's actually QUITE capable of single target DPS. The only drawback in that regard is that you can't combine it with Shield Defense, so you're never going to see it as king of the Pylon soloing charts. That said, a Dual Blades/Electric was smack dab in the middle of the cluster of Shield Builds at the top, and far above any other non-Shield build. I wouldn't rate its AoE as superior to Spines, though. I'd put it down around Claws. That's not bad, but not top of the heap either, and again, you can't combine it with Shield Defense for additional damage and additional AoE.
But it's also true that unless you know what you're after, you might as well pick whatever sounds like fun. They're ALL good. There are no clear winners and losers among the primaries and secondaries. They just have different strengths and weaknesses.
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks
MA vs. Kat.
For a new player Crane Kick's KB might be annoying to deal with. Hell, I'm a 5 year vet and it bugs the hell out of me. It feels like it should be part of an attack chain, but it tends not to be since you just knocked your target away. Yes, there are ways to deal with KB, but it's still annoying and likely even more so for a new player. Kat is basically attack and toss in DA as needed. Since Crane Kick can be gotten at level 8, it's quick to get a character to that level and see what it's like to decide if you want to stay with it, or not.
But then, some people are just awesome out of the box. Wasn't Nihilii destroying AVs within a few months of starting playing or something? And that was in the early days when very few Scrappers were doing it. Mind you, very few overall are doing it today, but I think it's pretty common for the forum regulars at this point.

Willpower actually does crazy stunts just fine. Iggy Kamakaze did a master of ITF solo with his Katana/Willpower - no temps, no insps, no deaths, no kidding. He also soloed a pylon while surrounded by a double RWZ challenge spawn, and then finished off the rest of the Rikti. IO'd to the gills, Willpower can do Stupid Scrapper Tricks as good as anything, at least the survivability tricks. With no damage boost, it won't do the damage tricks.
2) I hereby nominate "Stupid Scrapper Tricks" as the official name of those scrapper stunts that should probably be preceded by a disclaimer!

...as Katana vs. Broad Sword debates are something I'd prefer to avoid. Same with Willpower vs. Regen debates, another favorite dead horse. Hopefully I didn't just stir something up.
Well, someone wrote a response about recharge levels, and I missed who, and now it's gone, or maybe I'm just crazy.
For me, it's ALL about the fun here! The way I see it, you can pick a pair of scrapper powersets, try it out, and if it's not your particular type of fun, just roll another scrapper. Unless you've done something really goofy with slotting or power pool picks, the old scrapper won't be a BAD toon, just not what you might be looking for. AND you can always go back and take the old one out of limbo later. "My new scrapper has plenty of X but no so much Y...hey! That OLD scrapper that I wasn't wild about HAD plenty of Y, come to think of it!" where X and Y may stand for "single target carnage," "AoE mayhem," "knockdown, -up and or -back," "crowd control" or anything else.
"But it wasn't anything some purples and oranges and lots of screaming in fear couldn't handle." -- Werner
30 level 50's: 12 scrappers, 7 other random melee types, 11 blaster/blapper/support squishies, two accounts, and a TON of altitis since 4/28/04
I hereby nominate "Stupid Scrapper Tricks" as the official name of those scrapper stunts that should probably be preceded by a disclaimer!
![]() |
- Aliana Blue vs. I forget who for most dev AVs soloed simultaneously (was it up to 8? 9?)
- Iggy's MoITF
- Anyone taking down a pylon surrounded by two RWZ challenge spawns
- Maybe some harder AVs, the likes of Lord Recluse, Ghost Widow and Silver Mantis?
- Fastest pylon time
- Shred Monkey's 303 DPS destruction of Shadowhunter
- Didn't some Scrapper solo Adamastor using just reds?
- Do my 11 Praetorians in a row with no deaths count?
- Heck, I'd personally want to include BillZBubba's ITF tower, just because it was so awesome. Probably a lot of high end Scrappers could do it, but he did it with STYLE.
Don't try these at home, kids!
We'd almost need a thread before the thread to figure out what should be included. Or it might be best if someone just played benevolent dictator and just assembled everything THEY thought qualified as a truly Stupid Scrapper Trick.
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks
I certainly don't wanna get into the BS vs Kat debate either, but I should point out that Kat also has superior AoE offense to BS. Won't make a difference soloing Pylons, but I think the "casual" gamer would get more out of Kat, just running missions and stuff.
Of all the scrappers I play (and I play just about all the powersets, though not in every combination), I find my DB/WP the "easiest", and frankly darn effective. He's IO'ed out to have softcapped S/L def, but before doing that, he was still plenty easy mode.
The combos are a bit tricky to get into, but once you basically settle into your top combo (Attack Vitals), you don't have to worry about any of the rest (which is to say you can, and maybe should to squeeze out even more performance, but you can get by plenty fine w/just the BF+AV combo). WP, of course, is the definition of easy mode; adding IO bonuses for survivability is just gravy.
Would a Kat(BS)/WP be more survivable, esp at lower lvls? Sure, but I find w/Kat, you have to pay attention to how many DA's to stack for minimal/necessary/optimal performance, plus you don't get your top chain til 32, vs 26 for DB's AV combo.
I got scrappers that kill faster (both ST & AoE) and survive better at the top end, but if I just wanna blow through some missions w/o thinking too much about it (like say farming TIPs missions), I usually grab my DB/WP.
An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee
All I gots iz style!
What amuses me about all the Stupid Scrapper Tricks is pondering all the number crunching and build and tactics sharing that occurred over the years to make it all happen.
We've all spent a lot of time helping each other get better at flipping out and killing things and I thank yall for it.
Be well, people of CoH.

But I can't seem to decided on what type to be. I haven't played a scrapper since I4 or so. Its been a VERY long time and I just feel the urge to go back, but I'd rather not build a lemon. I've read quite a few posts here but I'm still not quite sure what would be the most survivable solo scrapper. If I could get some advice I would really appreciate it.
Thanks in advance.