Has the PvP inproved?




I stopped playing CoX right before the Architec Issue released, mostly due to the huge change in PVP structure. Now that my new addiction just got cancelled (All points Bulletin), im looking to get back into CoX.

I would like to know if the pvp has changed since they made it more noob friendly back a few Issues ago. If i spend alot of time getting badass, will it be worth it, or is the pvp still broken?



no improvements have been made, they may look into it i19 or i20 but i doubt they'll make it good again.



Organized PvP, read Arena 8 v 8's has both feet in the grave and they've started to throw dirt on anyone who has shown any signs of life.

Zones on freedom are I guess still active, but still pretty much a joke thanks to HD and TS. I haven't been on much lately, but in the past few months the KB matches on freedom have been few and far between. Usually though you'd see at least 2-4 support players, a decent number of blasters and a few disruption/other spots being filled for the teams.

Champion has KB once or twice a week and a 3 v 3 to 5 v 5 league going on. Its true KB in that teams can be unbalanced and often times there are holes in the lineups. i.e. No support players, no regular target callers, people not on vent (though most are) etc etc. Its rough around the edges but very casual.

I think Virtue runs a KB once a week on Friday nights but as of last time I was there, there was no voice communication / very little team organization. (Nothing personal Smallz , always room for improvement)

Pinnacle has a mostly dead 4 v 4 league that I heard mostly collapsed because teams from other servers started to show up. (????)

Test PvP is pretty much at a standstill thanks to a copy tool that has been broken for 2 + months and only two formerly active teams able to participate with whatever builds/IO's they had at the time.




Originally Posted by Hot_Head_Mike View Post
they may look into it i19 or i20

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Welcome back. PvP is not the fast paced game that we were used to, but it's still playable. There's really no longer team matches that valued the team makeup. Basically you have 2 options now. Jump into RV or SC zones. Or try to join some arena matches. Most would agree that they want the old pvp back, but since that's not likely to happen, we can try to live with currrent pvp. I still enjoy logging into the zones. But don't expect the competitive arena ladder matches that we used to have.