Cant find a team!
Your best bet is to use one of the three main channels:
Union Chat
Sal's Badgehunters
Union Taskforce
You'll be able to get a team/sf on one of those.
Or you could just switch already and try to get teams on blueside
Soul Storm and Brim got the answers.
By joining one of the channels you get in touch with a lot of players.
And since a character do not need to be level 50 to switch side... just do tip for alignment and do your morality missions.
Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool
I was waiting to end the patron arc... Then switched to hero.
Better now, still hard to find people for TF. I guess I need a SG.
But Im almost lvl 49, I just rather blue side thousand times than redside.
Played too much on Rogues Island.
Thanks everyone
Strikeforces are definitely hard to come by on Redside, I have yet to do all the SF's to be honest.
Much more activity blueside then redside, I fear it has always been this way

Contact me in-game: @CheeseSlicer
Where are the people red side?
Im trying to get my widow to lvl 50 so I can switch to heroe/vigilante but is going so damn slowly because I cant find a team.
I been asking people, looking for striker forces, specially roman but no luck.
Any advice?