Old Timer Gathering - Third Time is The Charm




Originally Posted by PirateSeaHawk View Post
Once again, I thank all those who turned up and joined in the RP fun! Next meet up in two weeks!
Some folks already know about this, but a small bat got into our house sometime on Saturday (maybe). Turns out the other half has a pretty darn near pathological fear of bats. So I spent Saturday night NOT SLEEPING ON THE SOFA AT SOMEONE ELSE'S HOUSE, trying to dissuade the DumpleSpouse from burning our house down.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.




Sorry to hear that; I hope the bat has left the building. :-)

Ascendant and Rose are are having relationship issues, Nurse White was being her usual self, Flea is in trouble for blabbing on something he shouldn't have, Sea Hawk and Ascendant had a quiet confab, playing Poker with Ascendant will either get you very rich or disgusted as he has no poker face to speak of.

Did I miss anything?



Originally Posted by PirateSeaHawk View Post

Sorry to hear that; I hope the bat has left the building. :-)

Ascendant and Rose are are having relationship issues, Nurse White was being her usual self, Flea is in trouble for blabbing on something he shouldn't have, Sea Hawk and Ascendant had a quiet confab, playing Poker with Ascendant will either get you very rich or disgusted as he has no poker face to speak of.

Did I miss anything?
Ascendant and Rose made up, Rose now has a nervous condition due to all the hazing. To be fair to Flea Lizzy DID torture the information out of him. Nurse White scared another empath and Nurse White Got lost. Oh and we all beat up on rikti and random drivers where trying for vehicular manslaughter on poor Jack! Oh and Ascendant got a Skiff or a Scudd missile or something similar...



Originally Posted by Lady_Cyrsei View Post
Ascendant and Rose made up, Rose now has a nervous condition due to all the hazing. To be fair to Flea Lizzy DID torture the information out of him. Nurse White scared another empath and Nurse White Got lost. Oh and we all beat up on rikti and random drivers where trying for vehicular manslaughter on poor Jack! Oh and Ascendant got a Skiff or a Scudd missile or something similar...
((Poor Anola was in the midst of post-molting, and so had no powers to fight the Rikti ICly. (Thanks guys for accepting that she really wasn't there firing spines at the invaders OOCly). She stood under the bridge with some Longbow and Hellions and waited it out.

She did get a lead on a reptile-boy who might be interested in meeting her, if she can work up the courage to contact him.

It was also established that Ascendant has no shirtless beefcake photos available to sign, something Saul should get to work on.))



And Pix Cheats with Rubix cubes!



She thinks outside the box, er cube

Don't say I'm out of touch with this rampant chaos your reality

Evilly Yours, Fey Bot/Trap MM



Hate to admit it, but I got caught up watching a football game and forgot about it this time around. OOPSIE!




The DumpleSpouse was rendered catatonic by the bat's powers of hypnosis, so I was forced to use an alternate egress. Later today, MiniDumps and I will escort the bat out of the Dumple-Estate.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post

The DumpleSpouse was rendered catatonic by the bat's powers of hypnosis, so I was forced to use an alternate egress. Later today, MiniDumps and I will escort the bat out of the Dumple-Estate.
((Yay! And you should turn this whole thing into an epic novel.))