Back to Pinnacle!




Hello Pinn! Just wanted to let everyone know that I am back to this great server, thanks to the free server transfers! I have missed it ever since I moved over to that one server that rhymes with Freedom. Now that I am back home, I have decided to actually get involved in a Super-Group. I am looking for a recruiting SG that I can team up with my 50's as well as develope more alts with. I have been playing since fall 2004 and I love exploring content as well as enjoying the game. I have three main 50's, they are listed in my signature and I am up for making any other alts that you would need in a SG. If you are interested in having me in your SG, send me a tell or email, global is @Lightening Rod. Thanks!



O snap!

- Convenient - //\ - Exile - //\ - AatC -



I am really liking the activity on the server



well it looks like you came here from freedom to play....or else you are just seeking attention trying to start something by trashing their thread....I see lots of ppl in game and they all seem very nice...thanks pinnacle!



Originally Posted by C_is_for_Cookie View Post
I am really liking the activity on the server

Hey! C is for Cookie! I remember seeing you a long time ago. Nice to see you back



So long, good luck in the future, from Freedom
Welcome Back, from Pinnacle!

I like being on both, haha