Is there a limit on the number of IO bonuses you can get
While a character can slot the same (full or partial) set multiple times in different powers, he cannot benefit from more than five copies of each named set bonus of the exact same attribute and amount. This is a stronger restriction than simply being limiting to five copies of each set. It means that if two different sets give the same size bonus to the same thing, the character can't get more than 5x that bonus even if he uses a mix of sets. |
Like the title, is there a limit on the number of a particular bonus you can get from IO sets. Not from the same set over and over, I believe the number of times you can do that is 5, but from different sets. I've been working on soft-capping defense on a toon, plaing around in mids, and at a certain point, it won;t count the defense bonus anymore. Is this a problem with mids, or can you only get a certain number of defense bonuses from IOs across the board. Or is is that you can only get a certain percentage of defesne from IOs? If anyone know the answer, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.