Guardian Market Idea
i thought of an idea like that but more like through channels what u can do is make a SG call it something having to do with ur selling point you could totally have your own channels n sell over servers :P
if you play your numbers right you could make some good money we got gmail
Need help I am the leader of the Heroic Knights of Tundra a group willing to help any new players or any current players wanting to learn more about the game we make connections! Please if youd like to join or know anyone whos willing to learn have them shoot me a tell at @dokesmon
Honestly, I think it'd be too complicated to work out very well. Keeping up an SG base, dealing with getting every single interested person into the SG, keeping everything organized, etc... It strikes me as a lot more work than it really needs to be. If you wanted to do something like this, I'd think using the forums would be easier - much less work for all involved (that's what I'm doing for my own clearinghouse-style thread).
Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!
Not saying it's a bad idea, and it *could* work, but it does seem kind of redundant, and there is that whole problem of trusting people to help you with the stocking and what not. In the case of a fellow SG my solo group is coalition'd with, they have been robbed big time twice, once on Red side and once on Blue.
That having been said, there is still nothing wrong with just giving your fellow Guardinites or Global Friends frist crack at buying whatcha got to sell

Hello fellow Guardians!
While dumping my Enhancement Rack on WW the other night, I got what I thought would be a great idea. I invited any and all who wanted to come to check out my stock and bid for any pieces they wanted. Well, it went well. I actually made over 100 million more than the projected take at WW. This really got me thinking. What if I were able to sell enhancements directly to individuals. Skip the listing price and all.
So, I am toying around with an idea of setting up a new SG designed to be a store/warehouse. Players could have a toon in the SG and watch the racks for any peices they would like and make a bid.(Of course some items would be pre priced) Those who reach a certain prestige level(gotta have something to support the space needed to keep a nice stock) can get discounts on items and at higher levels even open up their own shops at the cost of Rent(depending on the size of room they request). This has been a thought in my head for a while.
What do you all think? Can you see any problems with this idea? Any suggestions for how to make it work?
Thank you all so much!