Would an all Elec/ dom superteam be a viable option?
We have a 3-man team going on Pinnacle already and we're doing a number on mobs even in our teens with limited access to inf, IOs, powers and no way to turn up the difficulty for real challenges.
Seems that two people with conductive aura and static field can sap end fairly quick, would a team of 8 elec/ doms be something that would work or would it fall short of expectations?
Mobs are quickly drained and i imagine having 5 more would equal instantaneous drain. It just takes one brave soul to charge into melee first and then the rest dogpile in there to save the day. And that won't be a big risk soon as we get some more powers slotted.
We were also discussing the idea of running all elec/psi and wondering if that combo would be enough to completely and permanently drain AVs.
Please buff Ice Control.
Seems that two people with conductive aura and static field can sap end fairly quick, would a team of 8 elec/ doms be something that would work or would it fall short of expectations?
/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.