Best Electric/SD build




So I left the game for about 4 months for personal reasons and right before then I had started a electric/SD build and began filling it with IOs. The problem is since then I baught a Mac and the planner wont download onto a Mac. so I lost the build I was using and since I pretty much have forgotten everything I dont remember what I was doing lol. So if anyone would be willing to remind me what to concentrate on or have a build that they would be willing to share I would really appreciate it. I am looking to create the best build for farming and i would like to know what the best IOs to use would be. I am not concerned with price just please post anything if you think it will help. I would really appreciate the help. Hope to see some posts. Thanks!






Please any suggestions will help



Almost everyone uses mids, anything that they post would probably be in that form, i'm guessing thats why you are struggling for replies....

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.